Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Strange Things One Sees On Public Transit

It is incredible to me the things that one does out in public. Not only in public, but on public transit no less. Where you are fully aware that there is no privacy.

If you ride public transit long enough, you become accustomed to see the ones who have their fingers so far in their nose - I do not know how they release them (gag reflex here).

Then there are those women who insist upon putting on their full make-up on in view of other onlookers (most of the onlookers have a frozen state of disbelief on their face).

Well this week, I have seen two new performances that I have never witnessed before.

The first occurred on Monday, when I sat down in the seat next to a man. I was sitting on the side seat, and he was sitting on the seats that face forward (or backward depending on the direction of the train). I am reading my book (I find that the less eye contact one makes, the fewer weird ones come your way) - and this man stands up. Nothing out of the ordinary yet, and he is dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. He opens up his gym bag, and the next thing I realise is that I am hearing the clanking of a belt buckle (in addition that he is now closer to my personal self). This man has actually changed into a business suit - right there on the train. What I missed (thankfully) was the changing or adding (I am not quite sure which) his dress shirt. When I heard the clanking of his belt, he had started to tuck his shirt into his pants. Then, he fastens his pants (and we all hear the sound of his zipper), and then he hooks up his belt. I was dumbfounded, and unfortunately for me it was probably written all over my face. I could never be a poker player for one would see the type of cards I have on my face (shhh, but do not tell anyone in case I start to play). I just could not believe both the sight before my eyes, and the sounds that were picked up by my ears.

Next day, again I was sitting in the same type of seat. Only this time, a woman was sitting where the man was the previous day. When I saw odd movements coming from the person in this seat. The woman was not only putting on her full make-up, but she was doing the full skin care routine (and making the oddest faces). She must have used at least 2-3 different types of creams on her face, not to mention lip balm (and this is only what I caught glimpses of..Who knows what I missed). Then, she starts blowing her nose and it is making my stomach turn by the way that she was not using a tissue properly.

On Wednesday, there was this man who got on the subway for one full stop (thank goodness it was only one). He begins to look around as if to see that no one was watching (and we all were) and proceeds to go exploring with his fingers. I think that he was trying to locate the brain within.

Of course, all eyes are on what areas of the train he touches when he leaves - so we can all avoid them.

And this is why I now carry hand sanitizer wherever I go.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Digital World

Originally uploaded by musingsofthesea.
Well, I have finally entered the World of the Digital Camera. I have also created a profile on Flickr, and a big thanks goes out to Taras for the suggestion. :D

Now, you can view in person from the comfort of your own home (or wherever your PC is located) all the trials of my learning how to use a digital camera for the first time.

Enjoy the ride!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Canada's Wake Up Call - Terrorism Within


It has been more than a month since my last blog, unfortunately life is getting in the way.

However, with the latest that is occuring in Canada over the "Terrorists" that were arrested just recently. I had to rant.

I do not condone their (this group) actions nor agree with them in anyway. I completely fail to understand their lack of comprehension with everything that Canada offers. We are truly the greatest country in the world, and until last week the Country with the most freedoms.

Canada's Own - Terrorism on the Homefront

1st - if anyone thinks that this is inspired in any way by religion than I would say that they are completely mistaken...

2nd – I do not believe anything that arises from CSIS, and have not for a long time. CSIS is desperately trying to save itself in the wake of everyone’s new paranoia about Terrorism without a true understanding of what Terrorism is.

3rd – No matter what these people planned, or did….It definitely has been blown way out of proportion

4th – What people brainstorm about, and what thoughts form within their minds... is not a true indicator of what actions they act upon...

However, if people’s thoughts came into play and were for real…..

I would have gone to Ottawa, and placed Stephen Harper under citizen’s arrest for trampling the Canadian Constitution, for breaking almost all of his promises, for conducting his business behind closed downs and away from the people whom chose him….and for wanting so badly to be President George W. Bush's Best Friend

Unfortunately, Stephen Harper is still PM
and there has been no arrest...for now

5th – CSIS has now forever damaged our reputation with the States and the World

6th and last but not least-----