Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Wilds of Public Transit

Why oh why does the general public insist on using public transit as if they were in the privacy of their own homes?

In the last few months of my travels, on what can only be described as sardines in a jar during rush hour, I have seen many things that I hope to never experience again.

I have seen…

A woman who was not only putting on her full-make up on the subway, but also tweezing her eyebrows and discarding the unwanted hairs on the poor souls beside her

Several drunk men usually on a Friday evening, who I have no idea of how these guys even remember their own name less alone where they live, and lucky me always gets blessed to have them sit down beside me (and people wonder why my face is almost always stuck in a book on the subway)…I tell you that “weirdo attraction beacon" on my head is real because I always attract them without fail…

A woman who had bent her head over and was brushing her hair quite vigorously as if she almost wanted to share her dead hair with those around her

More people arguing on a mobile phone (between those unfortunate few stops where they can get a signal) than I can shake a stick at (no, I do not want to hear your point of view, and more importantly I do not want to hear theirs…the person who invented mobile speaker phones should be thrown into a room and forced to listen to people on speaker phones for the rest of their natural lives)

A few people who will ask one person for directions on a car, and then that same person will ignore those directions, and then start asking more people for the same information on the same car…..if you are going to ignore the directions of the first person, and then the second person – you automatically give up the right to ask anyone further on the same car…where they can all hear you ignore those directions and ask for the same answer from someone else

Too many people to count whom will not let the people get off the car first before attempting to push their way on…and then complain about how they almost missed the train….to all of these people I say that they are banned from the transit period…I was going to force them to endure someone always pushing them but that is too lenient

Also, what is up with the people that charge the doors, and then complain when their packages and such get stuck in the door ways….people you are the number one reason why trains get delayed and as such…you should be forced to endure nothing but delays on your travel to and from work everyday….

A teenager whom thought he was tough and a gentleman whom just had to keep pushing his buttons….This is definitely one time that I was considering pushing that little yellow strip on the subway…the more the guy pushed the teenager’s buttons…the more violent his outbursts became… isn’t it funny how one never sees the transit police when you need them…in fact, has anyone every seem them stop a situation before it became out of hand, I for one have not. I always see them after the fact…Hmmm…a very interesting fact that I may further explore at a later day…

I truly compare daily transit travel with the unknown wilds of rural wilderness…you just never know what to expect and you must always be prepared…

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Air Canada - It is time to cancel your Aeroplan Miles Program

During a recent episode of the CBC show, “Underdogs”, it reminded me of my concerns with most (not all) company customer Loyalty Programs.

For those of you that believe that loyalty cards were created to benefit the customer, you could not be farther from the truth. Not all Loyalty programs take advantage of the unsuspecting consumer, but several do and provide poor service in the process.

The one example that this particular episode showed was the Air Canada, “Aeroplan” program. For this particular customer’s issue, I will say that I sided with Air Canada on their stance, but I did not agree with the way that they treated their customer.

This particular customer amassed over several years, more than 30, 000 miles but during a consecutive 5-year span, he allowed his account to become inactive. Thus, according to the guidelines laid out in their program, he lost all of his airmiles much to the glee of Air Canada. I will say glee, because Air Canada depends on customers forfeiting their miles, and in turn, they make money (they actually list the amount of money made from inactive status accounts in their Public Financial Reports).

To be fair, Air Canada was willing to re-instate this customer’s airmiles, but of course, they wanted a fee for clicking a mouse button and re-activating his account.

The customer was not willing to pay any more money to Air Canada for what he determined was his rightful airmiles. He wanted his airmiles back without any further fees.

(I agree with Air Canada strictly on the fact that he allowed his account to be inactive for this amount of time, and I believe that they had the right to clear his account. However, they could have placated this man without showing the reality of the fact that simply do not care about their customers)

Air Canada refused to give back the Airmiles. He escalated this issue until it reached the CBC. To make this story short, they had arranged for him to a face to face meeting with one of their representatives if they agreed (of course they refused). The person with whom the CBC spoke with on Camera was Liz Graham VP Operations, and she absolutely refused to meet with one of her customers. Liz Graham had the nerve to refuse (on camera on a national program) to meet with a customer who had been loyalty to Air Canada for more than 20 years. Her refusal says more about the state of Air Canada than any media campaigns they have done in the past.

Simply, Air Canada is so out of touch with their customers, that they consider them as an annoyance factor. Air Canada is now completely and only about itself and just how greedy they can become. Another fact that become clear to me, by viewing her refusal, is that she should move on to a position in Air Canada that do dealings with their customers. At best, the very least that this company could have done to put them in the minds of their customers as a company that cares about the service it provides was to agree to meet with this one persistent customer.

Do they not realise that a 5-minute face-to-face meeting would have done more for their image, than whatever their decision would be.

Then, again this is the same Air Canada who when I was flying home because of a relative’s passing, refused to allow me to board my flight. I was at the airport a little more than 60 minutes (due to traffic) before my flight. Air Canada told me that I was too late to board the flight (yet, they were pulling people out of the line to rush them through the gate 20 minutes before the flight departed), and I had to wait 24 hours to board another flight to return home. This would not have been a huge deal except for the fact, that one of my dear relatives had died and I was trying to fly home.

Air Canada also refused to apologise to me.

Air Canada under the direction of Robert Milton has definitely not only lost touch with their clientele, but treat them as nothing more than an annoyance factor.

Robert Milton, your company provides a service for customers, and they are doing you a favour by using Air Canada. It is time that Air Canada stops its money grabbing Aeroplan program, and Robert Milton steps down as CEO. Air Canada is in desperate need of revamping, and must understand that they need to survive, and the only way for them to do this is to understand their customer base and meet their needs.

Nothing annoys me faster than a service provider who treats their customers as if the company is doing them a favour by providing the service. The customers are the ones doing you a favour by using your services, and in this very competitive world you had better treat them as such otherwise you will never survive in your current model.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Heartbroken Over James (aka 007)

For those that know me very well, they also know one of my weaknesses...And that would be Bond, James Bond. But, alas my heart is now broken in two at the replacement of Pierce Bronsan. Who I might add was the best Bond ever!!!! But I still have a soft spot for Sean and Roger.

Why would the producers of the most successful Bond movie ever, decide that for some reason they want to do a complete turnaround and strip away everything that has made James Bond last for 20 movies!

They took away the Quartermaster, they took away the gadgets, they took away the dashing and sophisticated Bond, and in his place what do we have? An ordinary guy who looks like he should be on the other side of MI-6. There is nothing special about his talents, except (ho hum) he is like any other Spy in any other Spy movie.

If they wanted to create a regular Spy movie, they could have branched off instead of ruining the longest running movie franchise in history.

I have nothing against the actor Daniel Craig, but he is no Bond.

It is a very sad day when I realise that until James is restored to former glory, I have watched my last 007 movie.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Injustices of Today

The World is crumbling around us, and my heart breaks for all human loss. Yet, my brain is angry and crys out for justice. Justice for those who cannot defend themselves, justice for the innocents whom have turned to dust, and justice for the children of the world who cannot understand why greed and power have destroyed their childhoods forever.

I Have Neglected Musings For Far Too Long

But, I am back and there is so much in the world to write about. I also have to catch up on my friends blogs and will do so this weekend.

At the time of this writing, I am still appalled that the Airlines have still not fully relaxed the liquids restrictions for their passengers. In essence, forcing their passengers to purchase their overprice offerings on the plane. Are they really so naive that by forcing their paying customers to give up their chapstick, and water this will stop those that want to cause harm to innocents from doing damage.

Are the Corporate heads of the Airlines so arrogant to believe that they can install confidence in the general public, by trying to maintain a false sense of security by something so ludicrious as forcing passengers to remove their shoes? The Airlines do not have the equipment to test the shoes for explosives, they simply have not spent the money to do so. Yet, they contine to allow most to believe that this is the reason for this procedure.

It is time that the entire Airline Industry wakes up to the reality of today.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Airlines Benefit From Latest Terrorism Scare

I have not written in a while but with the new alleged Terrorism plot in the news; how can I not resist voicing my opinion on this "quick fix to appease passengers who travel by air". I am outraged by a great deal of the facts as we know them, but I am attempting to create a partial (mimimum)non-biased opinion. Hence, here is only a small taste of my latest rant. I will post the rest sometimes in the very near future.

In the latest alleged Terrorism plot to blow up airlines over the United States, the revised Security Features that took effect benefit only the Airlines.

If one truly thinks about the latest changes to what one can bring with them on a plane, it appears to be superficially a public relations scheme to provide a façade to the general public to appease their need to believe that the Government is protecting them.

If these changes were truly meant to protect the safety of the general public, why were they only implemented on a last minute basis (and disorganised) after the arrests of the Sleeper Cell in the U.K. Yet, the Metropolitan Police have been watching this particular group for months. How long have officials known that these particular items could be easily made into a weapon that could cause devastating effects? It is not information that is kept out of public knowledge. This information can be easily obtained on the Internet, and therefore widely known in the appropriate circles.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Things I Have Learned While Living In The City

Next month, is the anniversary of another year that I have been living in the big city. I was reviewing the changes that I have gone through, and the adjustments of living in a big city (there are some things that I will never get used to) - One truly can take the country mouse of the country - but the country will never be taken out of the mouse - Or perhaps I should say in my case - the Ocean!

Therefore, I have decided to post my list (by all means this is not complete):

I have learned that I continue to be shy, though I have come a long way. (I seem to have only two outlets for when I am nervous - I either will giggle almost non-stop or lose the ability to communicate in an articulate manner and just simply ramble - and speak of things that make not a bit of sense to even myself)

I have learned that when I inform someone not to take my picture - they take my picture anyways (seriously folks - In all my life I have never enjoyed having my photo taken)

I have learned that the people in this city do not know the meaning of a queue (why is it that there are so many whom believe that they have the right to be first in a line and simply move to the front or side when the rest of the people wait as they should)

I have learned that on Public Transit if there is a strange person onboard that person will sit down beside me (I must have a beacon on my head that I am unable to detect)

I have learned that if I sit down in a movie theatre (no matter the number of seats available), someone will sit beside me, and in front of me, and behind me (even if the theatre only has a few people) {I am thankful for stadium seating everytime I set foot in a theatre}

I have learned that if one is short, then cashiers for some apparent reason seem not to be able to see you and chose instead to serve the person behind you (occasionally I still dream that I am 5ft or taller but I realise that I will always be under 5ft tall or three apples high in Smurf Language)

I have learned that I have a young voice, and will continue to fight with telemarketers whom insist on speaking to my parents and refuse to believe that I am of age (this has happened now on a few occasions, and I fight the urge to tell them that yes I am that young and my parents abandoned me but now that I think about it what a perfect excuse for me to get rid of them on the phone)

I have learned that the African Lion Safari is not located in Africa (do not even ask)

I have learned that when I go to bars with a group of friends that they will always push me (not literally) to the last of the group otherwise we all end up getting carded (this has been proven on numerous occasions)

I have learned that there are many people who use the Subway on a daily basis but they still fail to comprehend that it truly does work to one's advantage - if you let the people off the car first (this still amazes me that people try to board the train before the others have off-loaded)

That is it for now as it is way past my bedtime!

Good Night

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Collapse of Our Society

This past week, there was a column in the Toronto Star (I will add the full column at the end of this post) describing how a neighbourhood in Toronto - allowed a Teenager to be beaten to death and did nothing about it. There were several witnesses and this boy's death could have easily been prevented. Yet, they stood and watched, or simply listened to the beating and did nothing. One woman's comment was that others would not understand because they do not live in the neighbourhood. My response to that is "thank goodness" I do not live in a neighbourhood where people ignore their fellow man. Who would want to live in such a heartless area, where people who could have been that one shining light in the darkness of that boy's last hours on earth - failed him and failed society as a whole.

What kind of society have we become when we can turn a blind eye to the suffering of others? How can we live with ourselves knowing that we allowed a senseless death to take place right under our soul bearing windows (eyes)? If one lives in fear, then that fear overtakes that person as a whole. Is a life worth living when you know that you are responsible for allowing a person to die? (You may not have provided the actual beating but you participated in the murder by allowing it to take place).

When will people realise that they are responsible for society as a collective, and only when they stand up as a whole - will crime decrease? When will people realise that Law Enforcement does just that - they enforce the laws that have been set down in written word and no amount of policing will impact crime if we continue to turn a blind eye? When will people realise that they are the ones who makes things happen? When will people realise that they have the power to make change? When will people realise that if they stand up to crime; then they take back the streets and they give their children a safer place in which to live?

When will people realise?

Here is the column from the Toronto Star:

No 911 call in beating death
Teens always fighting: woman `I just wish I had done something'
Jul. 18, 2006. 08:35 AM

Several residents of a North York housing complex watched as a teenage boy was stripped down to his underwear and slowly beaten to death Friday night, but they say they didn't intervene because it didn't look that serious and violence is so common in the area.
The teen's disfigured body was found in a nearby Flemingdon Park ravine at 6:35 p.m. on Saturday. He collapsed in a wooded area behind an apartment building on Don Mills Rd., near Eglinton Ave. E.
Police have identified the teen but have not released his name because next of kin have not been notified. "They're always play fighting down there, but they play rough. I didn't think anything of it. He looked okay when I went out to see. Now I just wish I would have done something," said a mother of two teenage boys who did not want her name used.
Police say they're unsure why residents didn't contact them when they noticed the clash but say it may have been because they didn't think the boy was seriously injured.
"It's not really that bad of an area at all ... and we're getting a lot of help from residents," Sgt. Peter Churcher said. "(The most common problem) is kids end up getting in fights."
The woman, who lives in the complex on Grenoble Dr., said a neighbour called Friday night to say a group of about 15 teenagers had stripped a boy naked and were now "beating the hell out of him."
News of the beating spread quickly as neighbours went door to door to warn each other that they should bring their children inside and lock their doors — but no one called the police.
One man, who was walking by, saw the fight and pulled out his cellphone to call 911, but several of the assailants threatened him so he put his phone away and went home.
As the woman left her apartment about 8:30 p.m., she noticed that the teen was standing alone away from the group in his underwear. He did not appear in distress.
"He looked like he was composing himself. I don't know why he didn't just run away if he wasn't okay," she said.
Churcher said the Flemingdon Park area is no more dangerous than other parts of the city and suggested that violence is often correlated with rising temperatures.
An elderly woman who refused to give her name had another theory.
"We have to live here — that's why nobody ever sees anything.... No one wants to get shot for something they weren't part of," she said. "And people may not understand that, but it's because they don't live here."

Monday, July 17, 2006

Darn Knee

Back in March, I injured my left knee. I either pulled the tendons or ligaments (of course I did not go to the Doctor), and have been suffering since. See previous post (6 weeks and counting) for more information.

I stopped limping a while back, but I am still unable to put pressure on my knee. Kneeling is very painful, and it feels like something is going to snap. The knee is still swollen after 4 months, and tender to the touch. I started wrapping it once again (should have done it earlier in the injury phase), but I need to keep it wrapped now I believe. Drat, drat, you know how itchy a tensor bandage can be in the hot weather? Of course, now that I think about it perhaps a mobile brace would be better. Maybe, I should finally just go to the Doctor. But, who has time to wait for more than an hour to see your General MD, for perhaps ten minutes. Patience was never one of my virtues, and as time goes on...what little paitence I have left...wears even thinner...Though I like my Family Doctor, I do not like playing the waiting game.

And do not worry - Rants are coming (I am way overdue for a Political One) - Look Out Stephen Harper.

Blogroll and Profile Have Returned

I have restored both the Blogroll, and Profile. But, I have decided that "Pip" needed a well deserved rest (so have decided to remove my pet bunny from the site). In addition, I have made the Blogroll stand out more than the links.

And, courtesy of Malice (thank you very much) - there is now theme music to listen to if you so choose. This is the last link under the Blogroll. It plays in an endless loop so that you can listen to it while reading throughout the various postings.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Blogroll Will Return Shortly

Title states it all!

New and Improved "Musings of the Sea"

I have finally updated the look of my Blog. I also had to change all the font colours of my postings, which I have done for 2006. At some point, I will change the 2005 ones as well. Some of you may notice that there are different shades of blues that I used in the fonts, this was not an error. I am testing shades of blue to see what is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

I will also finish the Hospital post this week-end but for now - back to cleaning and sorting....oh the joys of housework on a Hot Week-end! Thank Goodness for Central Air!

For even though I long for the sea in the summer, I am not a fan of humidity and melt very easily...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Afraid Hospital Post Will Have To Wait To Be Finished

Had another migraine this week-end...These things are becoming more common for me than I have ever had in my life...

Back to the ICE pack and bed...

Good Night, and have a Great Monday!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

What is Wrong With Blogger?

I just posted (and yes folks it did post) one very long story about my 8 hour ordeal in Emergency (my friend was the patient and not I)at NY General Hospital and...lo and disappeared......................

It was one of my better rants ... *sigh* and normally *as was suggested to me a while back* to create my blogs in word and then post...and until tonight I have been doing that...but tonight it started flowing out and I did not wish to stop...

Now I am disheartened and have lost it all...well that about surmises in a nutshell the week I am why would I even presume that it would stay on the site...and not disappear into a puff of smoke...

Good Night....*sniff sniff*

Stay Away From North York General Hospital

Unless you have nothing better to do but sit on uncomfortable chairs, freezing to the point of shivering (and at the same time watching the Nurses wrapping blankets around themselves to keep warm - who cares about the patients from the look on their faces).

I spent 8 hours of my life, in the Emergency room of this hospital with a friend. From 9 PM on Tuesday (July 4th) until Wednesday Morning at 5 AM (July 5th).

I do not think that I have ever seen such a disorganised emergency room. The Nurses would make you wait in line behind that infamous sign that said "If you have a cough or cold, wear a mask" - in my mind when the Hospital starts pulling out the masks and alcohol cleanser for your hands, you know something is up but they will never let you know (this thinking was re-enforced later when the registration nurse asked my friend if he has been in any hospital in the last 3 weeks - and the lightbulb went off in my head and Bingo...Something happened or something is spreading...Now one just has to find out what is airborne in our breathing air now). Do you realise that there is such a high risk of catching something in the hospital now, that a great deal of patients when being discharged actually come down with something that they caught in the hospital! (I could be more gruesome and outlay specifics but I will restrain myself).

After waiting in this line, with other patients who are hacking on you, someone finally speaks to us. The patient then has to recite why they are there, with particular symptoms and then you get directed to a waiting room. And you wait, and wait (and there is not truly that many people there and for a hospital of that size - it has such a tiny Emergency area) and you wait. Then, you pray that your name gets called. And when it does (and the shock wears off your face) you go back to that same person who took your information the first round, and you repeat it all over again (fascinating isn't it). Then, lo and behold - you are sent back to the waiting area to wait to be called to the Registration area where your health card is swiped a 2nd time (as the first person has already swiped it twice).
Your name is called again (and you are starting to be in the mindset of you have been blessed (yes, this is how long you have to wait between the second and third time you give your details)...then this person swipes your card again and asks if you are indeed the same person as the picture on your health card (though I am aware that some of the old red and white ones (w/o photo) still exist...

And what is your reward for confirming that you are indeed the true self, and not an identity theft criminal - Why you get told to go back to your seat again...where you have the luxury of listening to a woman on a mobile phone in the emergency room - fighting with whomever is on the other end of the line (and yes, this part of the hospital - some bean counter decided that mobile phones were a good idea in this part of the Emergency Room). Finally, she gets so loud in the heated argument that some man in scrubs tells her to "keep it down". She was stunned but did not lower her voice.

Oh could it be, *as you listen more intently* why no, it possibly cannot be....but it is is true....3.5 hours after you have been waiting to be pulled into triage, your name is called again. You cry out with glee, and your face cracks a smile..."Finally, you think to yourself this is it - I am finally going to be brought before some" but alas it is not so...and your heart breaks off in pieces once more as you realise that they are only going to take your blood. You try and try and try to "think think think" why could they have not taken blood work when you were there ONE of the previous times providing your repeated information as - wait for it...

The same person again (repeated info)is the one taking your blood. This is starting to impact one's state of mind at this ungodly hour. Then, brace must truly brace yourself for your luck is about to chance....YOUR NAME IS CALLED OVER THE SPEAKER SYSTEM...and one musters all their strength in case rejection rears its ugly head once more...but find out that you indeed have won a prize...

and what prize have you won after more than 4 hours of waiting in a small area with uncomfortable chairs...and with strangers whom are ill all around you....why you win the first prize of...

*Hope that you are sitting down* - going to another Waiting Room...yes folks that is eyes are not deceiving get to go to a smaller and more confined Waiting room with even more uncomfortable seating and you are now even closer to those who are hacking up a storm (without a mask on). Holy Smoke, you cannot believe that this lovely prize was more than 4 hours in the making...and boy does it show!

(and as a side note my sleep is completely off kilter hence why I am awake at this ungodly hour) and I am going to finish this tomorrow night... ( I know the suspense is killing you but alas another night of sheer depravity never hurt anyone - and if you do not believe me - just ask those whom have moved into Emergency still waiting for their information to be taken)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Strange Things One Sees On Public Transit

It is incredible to me the things that one does out in public. Not only in public, but on public transit no less. Where you are fully aware that there is no privacy.

If you ride public transit long enough, you become accustomed to see the ones who have their fingers so far in their nose - I do not know how they release them (gag reflex here).

Then there are those women who insist upon putting on their full make-up on in view of other onlookers (most of the onlookers have a frozen state of disbelief on their face).

Well this week, I have seen two new performances that I have never witnessed before.

The first occurred on Monday, when I sat down in the seat next to a man. I was sitting on the side seat, and he was sitting on the seats that face forward (or backward depending on the direction of the train). I am reading my book (I find that the less eye contact one makes, the fewer weird ones come your way) - and this man stands up. Nothing out of the ordinary yet, and he is dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. He opens up his gym bag, and the next thing I realise is that I am hearing the clanking of a belt buckle (in addition that he is now closer to my personal self). This man has actually changed into a business suit - right there on the train. What I missed (thankfully) was the changing or adding (I am not quite sure which) his dress shirt. When I heard the clanking of his belt, he had started to tuck his shirt into his pants. Then, he fastens his pants (and we all hear the sound of his zipper), and then he hooks up his belt. I was dumbfounded, and unfortunately for me it was probably written all over my face. I could never be a poker player for one would see the type of cards I have on my face (shhh, but do not tell anyone in case I start to play). I just could not believe both the sight before my eyes, and the sounds that were picked up by my ears.

Next day, again I was sitting in the same type of seat. Only this time, a woman was sitting where the man was the previous day. When I saw odd movements coming from the person in this seat. The woman was not only putting on her full make-up, but she was doing the full skin care routine (and making the oddest faces). She must have used at least 2-3 different types of creams on her face, not to mention lip balm (and this is only what I caught glimpses of..Who knows what I missed). Then, she starts blowing her nose and it is making my stomach turn by the way that she was not using a tissue properly.

On Wednesday, there was this man who got on the subway for one full stop (thank goodness it was only one). He begins to look around as if to see that no one was watching (and we all were) and proceeds to go exploring with his fingers. I think that he was trying to locate the brain within.

Of course, all eyes are on what areas of the train he touches when he leaves - so we can all avoid them.

And this is why I now carry hand sanitizer wherever I go.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Digital World

Originally uploaded by musingsofthesea.
Well, I have finally entered the World of the Digital Camera. I have also created a profile on Flickr, and a big thanks goes out to Taras for the suggestion. :D

Now, you can view in person from the comfort of your own home (or wherever your PC is located) all the trials of my learning how to use a digital camera for the first time.

Enjoy the ride!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Canada's Wake Up Call - Terrorism Within


It has been more than a month since my last blog, unfortunately life is getting in the way.

However, with the latest that is occuring in Canada over the "Terrorists" that were arrested just recently. I had to rant.

I do not condone their (this group) actions nor agree with them in anyway. I completely fail to understand their lack of comprehension with everything that Canada offers. We are truly the greatest country in the world, and until last week the Country with the most freedoms.

Canada's Own - Terrorism on the Homefront

1st - if anyone thinks that this is inspired in any way by religion than I would say that they are completely mistaken...

2nd – I do not believe anything that arises from CSIS, and have not for a long time. CSIS is desperately trying to save itself in the wake of everyone’s new paranoia about Terrorism without a true understanding of what Terrorism is.

3rd – No matter what these people planned, or did….It definitely has been blown way out of proportion

4th – What people brainstorm about, and what thoughts form within their minds... is not a true indicator of what actions they act upon...

However, if people’s thoughts came into play and were for real…..

I would have gone to Ottawa, and placed Stephen Harper under citizen’s arrest for trampling the Canadian Constitution, for breaking almost all of his promises, for conducting his business behind closed downs and away from the people whom chose him….and for wanting so badly to be President George W. Bush's Best Friend

Unfortunately, Stephen Harper is still PM
and there has been no arrest...for now

5th – CSIS has now forever damaged our reputation with the States and the World

6th and last but not least-----


Friday, May 05, 2006

Stephen Harper - It is Time For You To Step Down

Mr. Harper claims that he is the Prime Minister whom will bring accountability to Parliament. Then, why are the majority of your meetings in secret, Mr. Harper. Why are you signing bills and agreements behind closed doors, Mr Harper?

As for the 1% GST tax cut, what a smoke screen this one is. First, you raise the personal income tax for the lowest tax bracket which wipes out this small tax cut. Then, you cut the Income Taxes for Big Business, whom already are not paying their fair share.
Then, there is the small loophole which allows some Businesses not to pass this reduced tax rate on to their customers/clients. Simply put, these Businesses are still charging their customers the full rate, but only passing on 6% to the Government.

Then, you come to Queen's Park to meet with the Premier of Ontario (someone whom the people of Ontario voted into office), and you spend a mere 45 minutes with him. You spend more time with the Leader of the Tory Party. Mr. Harper, by snubbing our head of Government (Ontario), you are snubbing the people of Ontario.

Mr. Harper (and yes I will not address you as Prime Minister), I will end this rant for now. I will not go on and state the various things that you have recently done to reflect how badly you want to be great friends with President Bush, no matter what the cost to Canadians. And, again you are going against the majority of Canadians whom do not want strong ties to this American Government.

Once again, you have proved that you do not do what is best for Canadians, but what is best for you.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Allergies and TTC Pet Peeves

The definition of the 3 (Spring, Summer, and Fall) seasons in Mantaray's Dictionary: Sneezing, Watery Eyes, and Misery. Yes, Hayfever season is upon us with a bang. So, there you have the main reason why Winter is my favorite season of all. "Why they have drugs for that" you cry out to me - so that you do not have to suffer in public. Aha - you cry back...but you see the amount of pollen and ragweed change from year to year. As well as does one's system. So what worked for you last year (heck even last month), is not going to work for you this time around. Then, you get to play the spin the wheel and try this drug. If this drug does not work, oh well too bad you just spend $30.00 on it. Now, you get the wheel, and win another name of a drug for you to fork over $20.00 for this time. Round and round she goes, and no one knows when the misery will stop. And I being one of the fortunate few, have my allergies from March all the way to October. I cannot begin to tell you how lucky I feel. Then, I hear another cry - "Why don't you go to the Doctor and play the Prescription Spin the Wheel?" Again, I cry out - I do I do, and guess what...I end up with the same results.

So when you see me on the street, and my eyes are swollen and I am drowning in tissue - I am okay. truly ....I am only just in misery. But, thank you for your concern.

Now, I begin the latest TTC General Public Pet Peeves (as these are directed at the Idiotic General Public, and not the TTC (their time is coming).

1) Why does one think that they are above lining up for whatever Public Transit Vehicle you are waiting for? If I am lining up patiently, then so should you. You are not royalty, you are not even one from the Government, you are a person who is annoying those of us who follow the rules. I know that you believe you are above waiting in queue, but trust me - you are not. When, you have 20 sets of eyes on you because you just casually stroll up and go right to the front of the line...I would be careful if I was you...because one day....those 20 sets of eyes are going to lose patience with you and make you take your proper place. You will not enjoy it!

2) Why do you insist on blocking the doors? Are you afraid of the middle of the train, bus, streetcar? Or perhaps you just like to fight with us who are trying to get off or on the vehicle. Generally speaking there is always room in the middle, because it seems that people have a phobia of standing there. Perhaps, you believe that others do not deserve to get on/off that vehicle. Perhaps, you just like holding up the vehicle, and making it off schedule. For you see, you are one of the reasons why there are so many delays. Do you not think that by blocking all available doors, and ensuring that people have to plow through you (with your backpack and all) that this is going to cause serious delays. You know once upon a time, I was a mild and meek soul. The TTC Patrons for the most part, made me what I am today.

3) Pushers - these are the ones that if you are just approaching a ticket booth they will push you aside (physically) just so that they can get ahead of you by perhaps 10 seconds. Are those 10 seconds the last of your life, and you just have to get on that train etc? Or perhaps you are part of a team that gathers points for the amount of patrons you push?

4) If you read "Plagued by Dumbasses" blog, I just had the same type of experience on Friday as she did. There were 3 elderly people, and I gave up my seat for one of them. No one else gave up their seat, for the elderly couple who were hanging for dear life. How do you people sleep at night?


Okay, it is now getting late, and past my bed-time. So I will continue these another day.

Well, I just realised (I am not only behind in my Blogging, but I neglected to Tag 3 others, as I said I would do. So there are the lucky ones:

1) Malice
2) Taras
3) Akane (and yes I still have to update your link)

Good Night All!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

6 Weeks and Counting!!

After 6 weeks of limping, and putting up with the pain...I have finally come to the conclusion that I must have torn a ligament in my left knee. The first couple of weeks were very painful, and stairs/cars killed me. You maybe thinking that a "car" makes no sense, but when in fact it does. You see one usually has to bend their knee to get in (especially the backseat), and out of a car (at least one like me who has very short legs). Everytime, I have gotten in/out of a car over the past 6 weeks, has been torture. It feels like the ligament in my knee is going to separate (it is like a rubber band that is being completely stretched until it breaks). At least though, I can sort of fake that I am not limping. Though, I cannot yet put all my weight on my knee, it will allow me to bear down on it more. However, if you are one of the poor souls who happens to be behind me on a bus (sorry, yes buses also kill my knee right now), or the stairs then you will know my secret. I know that I should have gone to the Doctor's but there are a few reasons why I have yet not gone.

A) I frankly do not want to spend 2 hrs in the office (and this includes my family Doctor - where I am usually guaranteed to wait an hr no matter what time my apt is).
B) I have been through this before (though not w/o seeing a Dr), and if it is not bad enough to require surgery there is not too much they can do.

You see it all started when I was 15 yrs old. I remember that day well, because it was my Father's Birthday. We needed candles for his cake, so my Mother and I went to Grocery Store to pick up some. Coming home, we were in a car accident (caused by a drunk driver going through a stop sign) and my knees hit the dashboard hard. This drunk driver hit our car so hard that it spun it around 360, and pieces of the car were found a few streets over. The rest of the story I will leave for another day. However, I will briefly mention that this accident happened right outside a medical clinic, and it took them a very long time for a doctor to come to the scene (and I am from a small town so no 911 then).

Anyways, to make a long story short, my knees have been messed up ever since. You see when my knees hit the dashboard, my kneecaps took the full force of the blow. Thus, (I will not go into details) resulted in little pieces of the bone breaking off, as well as the degeneration process of the cartilage. My knees have never been the same.

Now, back to the present my left knee has always been the worst since the car accident (even after the surgery). Well, lo and behold that happens to be the same knee that I have now injured. I would have much prefered the right knee to sustain the injury.

So, here we are 6 weeks after the initial injury, and I am still limping along. I know that my being on it all the time is not helping, and in fact my knee is still swollen.

Perhaps, I may finally break down, and see that Doctor after all. I am quite frankly tired of not being able to put pressure/weight on it, and I want to walk normally again! I do not think that is too much to ask.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tag Posts Responses

I have been tagged :) by Gwen, and will create the responses tonight (cannot sleep even though it is past the witching hour). Tomorrow, I will once again try to start posting on a regular basis, and will finish the comments (including those who I will be tagging) tomorrow evening.

Here we go!

3 Names U go By: Shann, Evil Smurfette, Munchkin

3 Screen Names U Have Had: Villiesocean, Countach, and ToSmurfette

3 Things U Like about Yourself: My Hair, My Independence, My Strength

3 Things U Do not Like about Yourself: My Hair, My Shyness, My Height

3 Parts of Your Heritage: English, Irish, and Scottish

3 Things that Scare U: Deep Water (yet I love the Oceans - go figure), Bugs, and Stephen Harper as our Prime Minister

3 of Your Everyday Essentials: Reading, Dreaming (not the kind that you have while your asleep), and Learning

3 Things U are Wearing Right Now: Necklace, Glasses, and My Favorite Sweatshirt

3 of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists: Sarah Brightman, Depeche Mode, and Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

3 of Your Favorite Songs: Music of the Night, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, and Silent Night

3 Things U Want to Try in the Next 12 Months: A Real Holiday (apologies to my Family), Motorcycle License, Skydiving

3 Things You Want in a Relationship: Communication, Honesty, and Humour

2 Truths and a Lie: Stephen Harper treats Canadians with disdain, I met Mr. Dressup, and I do not like to read.

3 Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to U: Intelligence, Adventure, and Laughter

3 Things about the Same Sex that Appeal to U: Humour,generosityy, Compassion

3 Things U Just Cannot Do: Stop collecting Books, Understand why I attract the weird ones on the Public Transit, Understand why people insist on others hearing their Mobile Phone conversations in public

3 of Your Favorite Hobbies: Reading, Going to the Museums, and Forensics

3 Things U Want to do Really Bad Right Now: Go To Sleep, Arrange for Stephen Harper to Step Down as Prime Minister (and Leader of the Conservative Party), Find Loving Homes for all the Animals in Shelters (and those that are strays)

3 Careers U are Considering: Forensic Psychology, Criminalist, Networking/Telephony

3 Places You Want to Go on Vacation: Switzerland, Ireland, and Austria

3 Kid's Names: Laurel, Scota, and Colm

3 Things U Want to Do Before U Die: Make A Positive Difference in the World Around Us, Visit Ireland, and Return to the Ocean to Live

3 Ways U are Stereotypically a Boy: Love Action Movies, Love Autos, and Love Sports

3 Ways U are Stereotypically a Chick: I know that there is more to life than Sports, I cry at Movie Trailers (who needs the movie), and I am very indecisive

3 Celeb Crushes: Don Johnson (no laughing) , Pierce Brosnan, and Matthew McConaughey

3 People U Would Like to Complete This Quiz: That is for Tomorrow!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Someone Please...Put...

Donald Trump out of my misery. I do not watch his show, but I am tired of the commericals. Of hearing his arrogant voice, and I think that he truly believes that he is one of the greatest businessmen that ever lived (but he does not come even close).

Why does such a supposedly intelligent businessman want to be the star of a cheaply produced, quickly forgettable show in which it appears (and notice that I said appears) to have people cut-throating their colleagues (at least in the commericals)...just to show how low they will go for a job with Trump. (and I barely watch Television which shows you how many times his face is splashed across the screen).

Please get that man off of my TV!

Fun Quiz Results

You fit in with:
Your ideals mostly resemble those of the Taoist faith. Spirituality is the most important thing in your life. You strive to live by all of your ideals, and live a very intellectually focused life.40% spiritual.20% reason-oriented.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sunday...Lovely Sunday...

What a lovely Sunday to veg for awhile. Today, I have decided to get back into my creative writing. It has been far too long. I wrote my first poem (in months) a couple of weeks ago, and now it is time for me to push the creative envelope again. I love writing, and sometimes when I start I cannot stop (so there is almost of fear of starting for not being able to stop - if that makes sense). I have been writing in one form or another all of my life (well, since I first learned how to use a pencil). I still vaguely remember my first writings, and now wish that I kept them. C'est la vie!

Today, is the second day of April, and boy have the days flown by this year. I am still attempting to wrap my head around the fact that we are in the 21st century. To know that we are now in the latter half of the decade, just blows me away.

Last night, I ensured to change the times on all clocks save one (have you ever tried to change the hands of time on clocks when you are not even 5ft tall?). If I put the clocks at my height, my apt would have the appearance of a doll house, but oh how it would make things easier. If I ever build my dream house, it will be built for me. Not for the tall ones of the world, but me. Why is it that everything seems to revolve around those 5'8 and over. This I will never understand.

One of the funniest things that I have read in a long time (funny in a way), is the law that demands that children under 5ft (who are too big for a carseat), must sit on a booster seat. For seatbelts are not built for short people, and especially those under 5 feet. Seatbelts can cause serious damage to those of under this height. Well, what about the adults who are under 5 feet? We know that seatbelts are not made for us (hence why they always strangle me). Are we the forgotten? Are we the ones that the Transportation Governing Body does not care about? Or perhaps they do not realise in their world of bean counters, that we even exist. Now, I for one do not want to sit on a booster chair. I want to know why they cannot make the seatbelts adjustable for all heights. Seatbelts are not even truly made for a woman, but for a man (typical of the car industry - that claims to be ahead on the world of technology but in fact is in the dark ages when you think about it). There have been many changes to cars over the years, but if you strip a car down to it's true essence (4 wheels, seats, windows, and a steering column) it has not truly changed. Once upon a time, I was told by the Technology/Science mags that I was reading, that by the time I turned 16, I would be driving in flying cars. My god, we do not even have the technology anymore to put a man on the moon. I find that in certain cases, technology is too quick in its praise of itself, when in reality it does not even deserve a handshake.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Writer's Block

Well, today I truly have nothing to say. Perhaps, I should have saved part of my Sunday's rant for today ;). Ahh, I could have continued on (on Sunday) but wanted to go to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour.

Working downtown is wonderful, and I love being so close to Harbourfront. :) I cannot believe that I (a country mouse), missed downtown as much as I did. Perhaps, over the years I am becoming more of a city person that I realise.

Good Night

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Power of Why


Why is a question that we as a society lately seem to have forgotten even exists.

Why is a powerful word that we can use in all aspects of our dealings with each other on this planet but we do not… why is that?
Why do we as a society instill in our children fear of the unknown? Instead of teaching our children to be confident to face that which is different; we teach them to fear that which is different.

Why do we as a society allow criminals to not accept responsibility for their actions? Instead of stating that yes they robbed a store, instead they blame their environment and upbringing. What about the more than 90% of others in that were raised in the same type of upbringing but chose to respect the law.

Why do we as a society allow the Government to break their promises to us on a repeated basis, but not to demand recourse from them? We are in charge the Government, and they are not in charge of us. We have every right to hold them accountable for their actions. Instead we are passive, and allow them to continue in office.

Why do we demand more action from our local Law Enforcement when violent crime seems to be on the upswing? Instead of standing up to those which break the law, and having them fear that they will be reported, we cower behind our fear. How does one instill common sense into those who witness crime that if more people stood up and were truthful to what they saw, crime would go down.

Why do we allow our Government to tax us to death, and then even continue to stand by while this same Government taxes up to 60% of our income in the other taxation forms? We have tax on books, tax on certain food, tax on entertainment, tax on homes, tax upon tax. We complain about it but we never act upon it.

Why do we allow the media to manipulate the news in the form of ratings? Why do we now expect the news not to be reported facts, but for the media to speculate in which every way that they believe will garner more ratings?

Why do we not demand quality programming from the Television Industry? We complain that there is nothing on TV, yet we allow ourselves to watch the cheap, calculated reality shows which put dollars into the Executives pockets, but does not provide us with value?

Have we as a society forgotten our voice? Have we forgotten in this day and age of Technology that we have more avenues to us than ever before to stand up and make change?

Why do we listen to the Seal Hunters who claim that they kill those poor baby seals in a most humane way? So beating them over the head with a club until they bleed out is humane? (do not even get me started on this one)

We as a collective have the power to change the laws of our society. We have the power to enforce our Government by the rules that put them into office in the first place (and may they never forget that). We have the power to change the justice system. We have the power to change the world if we want. One voice at a time, if we so make that choice.

Never forget to stand up for your beliefs, and never forget the power of “Why”!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Completed My First Week!!

Well, I have now finished my first week on the new job. Everyone has been so great, and it is nice being able to see familiar faces on a regular basis once again. I am still not used to leaving the office in daylight, but I know that I will be able to adapt quickly. In addition, I cannot begin to tell you how much of a relief it is knowing that I no longer have to wait for a bus in the "no one can hear you scream" area of Brampton. I am pretty resilient to such things for the most part, but being in the middle of nowhere, waiting for a bus....knowing that there is no one around you to hear you scream can defeat that which is most brave inside one's self. Especially, when on more than once occasion I have had some guy by the bus stop trying to entice me in his car. I cannot tell you how much that spooked me. The location of the warehouse is truly in a lonely area for those of us without cars.

But alas, I am now back in civilization, and that part of my life is over.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


It has been two weeks, since my last post. How sad am I? But alas, there is always a new day to start to posting (back) on a daily basis. As well, since I am downtown once again (and cannot even begin to tell you how happy that makes me)and have more time to do things, I do not have an excuse. So, hopefully I will be able to discipline myself enough to start anew, and go back to regular posts. I was reminded tonight that I have not updated, so another thank you :D

Tonight, was "Games Night", and I cannot even begin to tell you how much fun I had. Everyone is so wonderful and it has been a long time since I have laughed that hard. So thank you all! I want to say a Big Thank You to Gwen for being such a great hostess.

I have to make this short, and sweet as I want to hit the hay now!

Good Night All!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Another Chapter Ends, and a New One Begins

Well, it is done! I am now saying good-bye to the world of IT, and entering the Business World. I will be working once again downtown, and will be able to see the light of day. I will have time to spare, time to read, time to reflect.

It is now time to turn the page, and allow the words of life to fill a new book in the Tale of a Fish Out of Water and Far Away From the Sea.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Pet Peeves On Public Transportation

Tonight, coming home from work on one of my 3 buses that I take to and from work(each way)...the person behind me was clipping their nails. Nothing makes me cringe like hearing a nail clipper in a public place. Whatever happened to manners? Have they truly gone the way of the Dodo Bird? Nail Clippers are only the first of my pet peeves.

People who spit while waiting for the bus, train and streetcar. My word, do you really find it necessary to expel whatever you imagine is in your mouth at that particular moment and believe that it needs to escape?

Women who put on their make-up in public, including moisturizer on their face. I am amazed at how one can put on mascara when one is going over a bump, and not end up with it all over the eye/face, but do you really need to show the world your morning routine? Could you not wake up a few minutes earlier, and do this in the privacy of your own home?

Oh what makes one's stomach do flops more than seeing a person flossing their teeth on the TTC, and not caring where those little pieces of plaque go? They must land somewhere, and it could you be they land on.

I could write several paragraphs on this subject alone, but I know that you clue into the idea. Now, I have a suggestion that would not only impede perhaps some of these most horrid habits, but bring some desperately needed funding to the TTC. I suggest that fines b levied against those who leave their manners at home. Those who commit their first offense, will be fined a paltry sum but you will be tracked. Your fines will then be based on the number of offenses that you incurred. After X number of fines, you will be banned from the TTC. This will result in making me one very happy person, and a life without cringing on the TTC.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Congrats Canada!!!

I just finished watching the Torino closing ceremonies. Canada has so much to be proud of with it's greatest ever showing at the Winter Olympics! 24 medals is quite a feat, and we are only one medal below the Americans! 3rd in the world! It truly makes one proud of their athletes, though I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed I am with the Men's Hockey Team. *sigh oh well, four more years until home turf* How sweet would that be to win the Mens Hockey Gold on home turf!

Here is to 2010!!!

Vancouver 2010 - (<- Click This) Canada awaits you

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


We did it! Malice, and I are now official members of RASC. Now how wonderful is that! We are going to have an incredible year of learning, watching, and enjoying the beauty of what the sky beholds (and beyond of course).

Monday, February 13, 2006

Where is the Snow Tonight?

Sometimes, on days like this I believe that Toronto has a bubble over it. It has to be something like this for us to keep missing out on all of these Storms. Now, my friends will tell me "Shannon, we are on just the wrong side of the Lake". My response to that is, so is Oakville, Hamilton, and so on. Could we not just flip the Lake perhaps?

WHERE ARE THE SNOWSTORMS? I just want one honest to goodness snowstorm, just one and I do not think that is asking for a great deal. Do you know many times I hear from my family and friends in my hometown, wanting to inform me about their snowdays? That the storm is so bad that have had to pull the snowplows and salt trucks off the road. Does Toronto have that? Noooooooo Does Toronto truly know what a really bad snowstorm is? Not really! In Toronto, when there is a bad snowfall they call it a Storm. In Toronto, when there is a heavy continuous snowfall, they call it a snowstorm. Well City Folks, I have news for you - unless you remember the winter of 1999 then you do not know what a true snowstorm is. Actually, in 1999 it was not so much that they were snowstorms as it was just a great deal of snow in a relatively short time frame.

Now, I am not asking for the bitter cold where it gives one brain freeze in less than 60 seconds (because remember folks it needs to be a certain temperature to snow). All I am asking for is one very good blizzard.

But I am also torn when it comes to wanting a storm. For then I think about the homeless, and those who cannot afford heat. Then, I think about all the animals outdoors including domestic where people simply could not care less about their pets. The more I think about it, the more gulity I feel.

So perhaps, it is best that I do not get my wish after all.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Wrong Impressions

Not too long ago, someone told me that sometimes I come across as standoffish. I was stunned, though this is not the first time that I have been told this. The truth is that I am a painfully shy person, especially around those that I do not know very well (if at all). I have two reactions, I either will not say very much (hence where the standoffish comes into play), or I will talk excessively. Mostly, I will remain quiet, but there seems to be no middle ground for me. So now I wonder, how many of those whom we believe are unfriendly are in fact shy. It is written that first impressions count. In fact, I do not believe that this can be accurate. How can one person truly summarize someone in less than 60 seconds? What if that person is having a bad day, or is not feeling well. My belief is that until one gets to know someone then any impressions until that time are inaccurate.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Today I Am A Bug

Are you familiar at all with the expression?

Some Days You Are The
Some Days You Are The

Well, today I am definitely a bug. Tomorrow, I will be a bug. But on Wednesday,

and that is all that I am going to say :P

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Coming Soon And It's About Time

It is almost complete, and what a beauty to behold...

Toronto finally, finally, (and did I say finally?) gets its very own Opera and Ballet House.

The Canadian Premiere of Wagner's 5 Rings begins this September...the Four Seaons Centre's Open House is in June, and I cannot wait.

This Centre is unlike any other in Canada, and will be among the best of the best in the world.

Every seat will have a full view of the stage, the acoustics will be exceptional, and the Ballet Performances will be intimate.

I cannot wait...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I have been a very neglectful fan this season(for not mentioning my fav Hockey Team). But, oh how sweet it is to down the Flames 7-4!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's Over For Now

Well, it came...I voted, and it went. The Election is over for now. However, we all know that we will be back at the polls in about 2 years or less. All these weeks, of enduring Politicians making promises they have no intention of keeping. Just to get a glimpse of fleeting fame. We are basically in the same position we were 18 months ago. We have voted in a minority Government, that remains unstable. However, there are some changes...We have voted in a Government that we have no confidence in..but for some reason we thought we would take a chance on...We voted in a Government that have no real experience in governing, but wanting for some strange reason to cosy up to our neighbours to the South. In fact, repairing that relationship appears on the surface to be more important to them than our Health Care, our failing Public Transit systems just to name a few. I could truly go on for quite some time.

Let's just say that I am not satisfied with the party that we have voted in to rule our great Canada.

In fact, I am down right scared!

Here's to the next Election!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Anxiously Awaiting The Results

Well, here I am trying to find out the results of the Election. I have just discovered about an hour ago, that it is actually (now) against the law to discuss the results of the Election until 10:00 PM on a Blog(can you believe that this is the law). Yet, one can discuss the results over the phone and IM (hmmm, I cannot post it on a Blog, but I can IM everyone)...makes no sense... *confused*

So, I am scared...truly scared about who will be our next Leader ...and I have a feeling that whomever it is...we will be once again heading to the polls in the not too far future...

One of My Favourite Sites

It is now 2:30 in the morning, and I am not able to sleep. Even, though I have been trying since Midnight.

So far I have skimmed the latest "National Geographic", read some passages from 2 different books, tossed and turned countless times, and listened to the radio...all done to no avail...

Thus, I am currently surfing one of my favourite sites....and hoping that one day...they have a Canadian version.

I have managed to find a few items that they sell, here in Canada...but alas if only...

This site is an absolute delight for those of use who love to read, and who love books...

My wishlist for this site is huge, and continues to grow...perhaps it is best that it is an American site...

Alas, I am going back to bed...and toss and turn and toss some more...

Good Night

Friday, January 20, 2006

What Does Your Birthdate Mean?

You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.
Your strength: Your thirst for adventure
Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures
Your power color: Hot pink
Your power symbol: Figure eight
Your power month: March

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Enough Already!

I am going to probably be raked over the coals for this one. But, my belief in the goodwill of the Canadian Politician (and intelligence mind you) is failing by the minute. This is from me, someone whom has both loved and followed politics all of my life. Someone who feels very strongly about what we have accomplished in this Nation. Our history is what defines us, and our beliefs are what keeps us strong. However, our political parties are a mess right now and to be completely honest I would much rather vote for Snoopy (and yes, I know he is American). We have Paul Martin who seemed to be such a strong voice in Parliment until he butted heads with Jean. We will never know the true story, but it seems to have taken it's toll on him in a matter of months. We have Stephen Harper who does not know what he stands for, and who through the previous tough times in this country disappeared from view. Yet, he resurfaces when there is a chance that his party will win (And Stephen, your party is this strong because we are simply fed up with corruption and this has nothing to do with who you are because trust me, if we were voting based on character, you would not even be on the ballot). You can call it conservative all you like, but your beliefs are that of the reform party. Sometimes, I believe Stephen forgets he is from Ontario and not the west. Then, we come to Jack Layton - the man who is responsible for this mess....he is the one that agreed to bring down the Liberals and stated that they were not good for Canada....well, now he has completely flipped the other way and is trying to bring down what the Polls say will be a Conservative Minority....Jack, you cannot have it both ways. You obviously do not know what to stand behind, and you do not stand up to your own ideas...but flop every which way depending on where you see the most votes...that does not make a great Leader...

Oh, and to address all those various polls that the media keep pushing down our throats...remember they are only accurate based on the otherwords, they mean nothing! Remember, the polls in the US declared Al Gore the winner in George Bush's first term...but that is another story altogether...

If the Conservatives are attempting to make believe that they are the former PC Conservative party and are using that reputation to base their campaign on...Should we remind Stephen of the history of the Mulroney Legacy....he brought in GST....he brought in Free Trade which has resulted in most of our goods no longer being made in Canada...even Roots no longer makes and produces all of their goods in Canada...the Taxpayers paid for the furnishing of Sussex House, and I could go on...but you get the idea...

Now on Monday, I will do my duty as a Canadian and vote but I do not have confidence in any of the current Leaders of any party at this time. How sad...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Site Trackers

In the past few days, I have discovered that apparently I am located somewhere in the States; at least when it comes to viewing Blogs. For those of you who use site tracking software, when I am on your site it will show me as a visitor from America. I know why it shows up that way, and I am wondering how truly accurate those tracking sites are.

Just a little tidbit for those whom do not realise I read your Blogs, or perhaps I have stopped.

I just want you to know I still read, and enjoy them faithfully! :)

Monday, January 16, 2006

I Think I Have Finally Found An Apt

I think that I have finally found an apartment where I want to live. Today, I went to see it and, it is in a great location. Everything (except work) is within walking distance. If I only was a coffee and tea drinker...the neighbourhood is certainly a mecca for those that do drink the stuff.
I have a cooking school just literally down the street (and for all of those whom truly know me very well, know that I am not a great fact, I am a really bad one). However, I love to bake (again, not great at it but better at baking than cooking). And...with a cooking school down the street...I have hope :)
I love the apt building, and it even has a Media Room with a Big Screen Projection TV that I can book for friends night...just imagine the movies..!
A library, 24 laundry room, indoor swimming pool on the top floor, and much more... Now, the only thing that I question is why would an apt building build their pool on the top floor? What happens if the thing started to leak? Would it not be easier to build the pool in the strongest part of the building (the basement)? Perhaps, I am just over thinking this. Actually, I woud say that one of my greatest flaws and strenghts is being analytical. The flaw is...I am over-analytical, and that is where my weakness comes into play. I always over -think things, and always have. I take something ... break it down into all different sections, analyse every one, and put it back together. I am the one whom always reads the manual even before I take something out of the box. One of my goals this year, is to learn how to break it into different sections, and put it back together (without inspecting every little space)...

So getting back to the apt...I will decide at the end of this week, but I think I have found my new home!

A new beginning.....

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Global Warming....Is it real or fabrication?

Over the past several years, I have been reading about the Climate Change and the Global Warming effect. I am a true skeptic at heart, and tend to research things before I believe in them. Since the Global Warming theory first gained international support in 1988, there has been so much media on this, including several published articles in renowned science journals that I took it as fact (for the most part). Yet, in the back of my mind, I have always remembered an article written in National Geographic (before the world {general population} knew of Global Warming) that stated another Ice Age is coming.
The question is what do we believe, and how much influence does money have on the Science World, and what it reports.

We know that the temperature in the Antarctica is cooling (yes, even though one section of the Larsen B ice shelf collapsed - yet the other sections are increasing in size) . We know that Hansen's theory (yes, Folks - Global Warming is only a theory) that he reported in 1988 has some serious flaws.

We know that several respected scientists dispute the fact that Global Warming exists, and that it is generally the media and the public that has pushed it to the foreground.

So where does this all lead us to? Can we completely dispute "Global Warming", no we cannot. However, we cannot accept is as fact either.

In this day and age, the unfortunate side of growth and change is that money now rules the world.

In today's world, the bottom line counts. We have allowed bean counters to rule our companies and make decisions based soley on figures. What looks good on paper, does not look good in the real world. Yet, we do not have the courage to change this.

As a result, areas that are essential to knowledge, change, and technology are starving for funds. This allows those with money to influence what information is released based on the grants that one receives. It may be a paragraph, it may be a chapter, but we do know that money talks and has too much influence over the world today. It is now not what is best for man, but what is best for the pocketbook of Companies.

So for now Global Warming is still pushed to the forefront, but you can be certain that the next article that I read - first I will look at who has the most to gain before I accept it as truth...