Monday, August 14, 2006

Airlines Benefit From Latest Terrorism Scare

I have not written in a while but with the new alleged Terrorism plot in the news; how can I not resist voicing my opinion on this "quick fix to appease passengers who travel by air". I am outraged by a great deal of the facts as we know them, but I am attempting to create a partial (mimimum)non-biased opinion. Hence, here is only a small taste of my latest rant. I will post the rest sometimes in the very near future.

In the latest alleged Terrorism plot to blow up airlines over the United States, the revised Security Features that took effect benefit only the Airlines.

If one truly thinks about the latest changes to what one can bring with them on a plane, it appears to be superficially a public relations scheme to provide a façade to the general public to appease their need to believe that the Government is protecting them.

If these changes were truly meant to protect the safety of the general public, why were they only implemented on a last minute basis (and disorganised) after the arrests of the Sleeper Cell in the U.K. Yet, the Metropolitan Police have been watching this particular group for months. How long have officials known that these particular items could be easily made into a weapon that could cause devastating effects? It is not information that is kept out of public knowledge. This information can be easily obtained on the Internet, and therefore widely known in the appropriate circles.

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