Friday, July 28, 2006

Things I Have Learned While Living In The City

Next month, is the anniversary of another year that I have been living in the big city. I was reviewing the changes that I have gone through, and the adjustments of living in a big city (there are some things that I will never get used to) - One truly can take the country mouse of the country - but the country will never be taken out of the mouse - Or perhaps I should say in my case - the Ocean!

Therefore, I have decided to post my list (by all means this is not complete):

I have learned that I continue to be shy, though I have come a long way. (I seem to have only two outlets for when I am nervous - I either will giggle almost non-stop or lose the ability to communicate in an articulate manner and just simply ramble - and speak of things that make not a bit of sense to even myself)

I have learned that when I inform someone not to take my picture - they take my picture anyways (seriously folks - In all my life I have never enjoyed having my photo taken)

I have learned that the people in this city do not know the meaning of a queue (why is it that there are so many whom believe that they have the right to be first in a line and simply move to the front or side when the rest of the people wait as they should)

I have learned that on Public Transit if there is a strange person onboard that person will sit down beside me (I must have a beacon on my head that I am unable to detect)

I have learned that if I sit down in a movie theatre (no matter the number of seats available), someone will sit beside me, and in front of me, and behind me (even if the theatre only has a few people) {I am thankful for stadium seating everytime I set foot in a theatre}

I have learned that if one is short, then cashiers for some apparent reason seem not to be able to see you and chose instead to serve the person behind you (occasionally I still dream that I am 5ft or taller but I realise that I will always be under 5ft tall or three apples high in Smurf Language)

I have learned that I have a young voice, and will continue to fight with telemarketers whom insist on speaking to my parents and refuse to believe that I am of age (this has happened now on a few occasions, and I fight the urge to tell them that yes I am that young and my parents abandoned me but now that I think about it what a perfect excuse for me to get rid of them on the phone)

I have learned that the African Lion Safari is not located in Africa (do not even ask)

I have learned that when I go to bars with a group of friends that they will always push me (not literally) to the last of the group otherwise we all end up getting carded (this has been proven on numerous occasions)

I have learned that there are many people who use the Subway on a daily basis but they still fail to comprehend that it truly does work to one's advantage - if you let the people off the car first (this still amazes me that people try to board the train before the others have off-loaded)

That is it for now as it is way past my bedtime!

Good Night

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Collapse of Our Society

This past week, there was a column in the Toronto Star (I will add the full column at the end of this post) describing how a neighbourhood in Toronto - allowed a Teenager to be beaten to death and did nothing about it. There were several witnesses and this boy's death could have easily been prevented. Yet, they stood and watched, or simply listened to the beating and did nothing. One woman's comment was that others would not understand because they do not live in the neighbourhood. My response to that is "thank goodness" I do not live in a neighbourhood where people ignore their fellow man. Who would want to live in such a heartless area, where people who could have been that one shining light in the darkness of that boy's last hours on earth - failed him and failed society as a whole.

What kind of society have we become when we can turn a blind eye to the suffering of others? How can we live with ourselves knowing that we allowed a senseless death to take place right under our soul bearing windows (eyes)? If one lives in fear, then that fear overtakes that person as a whole. Is a life worth living when you know that you are responsible for allowing a person to die? (You may not have provided the actual beating but you participated in the murder by allowing it to take place).

When will people realise that they are responsible for society as a collective, and only when they stand up as a whole - will crime decrease? When will people realise that Law Enforcement does just that - they enforce the laws that have been set down in written word and no amount of policing will impact crime if we continue to turn a blind eye? When will people realise that they are the ones who makes things happen? When will people realise that they have the power to make change? When will people realise that if they stand up to crime; then they take back the streets and they give their children a safer place in which to live?

When will people realise?

Here is the column from the Toronto Star:

No 911 call in beating death
Teens always fighting: woman `I just wish I had done something'
Jul. 18, 2006. 08:35 AM

Several residents of a North York housing complex watched as a teenage boy was stripped down to his underwear and slowly beaten to death Friday night, but they say they didn't intervene because it didn't look that serious and violence is so common in the area.
The teen's disfigured body was found in a nearby Flemingdon Park ravine at 6:35 p.m. on Saturday. He collapsed in a wooded area behind an apartment building on Don Mills Rd., near Eglinton Ave. E.
Police have identified the teen but have not released his name because next of kin have not been notified. "They're always play fighting down there, but they play rough. I didn't think anything of it. He looked okay when I went out to see. Now I just wish I would have done something," said a mother of two teenage boys who did not want her name used.
Police say they're unsure why residents didn't contact them when they noticed the clash but say it may have been because they didn't think the boy was seriously injured.
"It's not really that bad of an area at all ... and we're getting a lot of help from residents," Sgt. Peter Churcher said. "(The most common problem) is kids end up getting in fights."
The woman, who lives in the complex on Grenoble Dr., said a neighbour called Friday night to say a group of about 15 teenagers had stripped a boy naked and were now "beating the hell out of him."
News of the beating spread quickly as neighbours went door to door to warn each other that they should bring their children inside and lock their doors — but no one called the police.
One man, who was walking by, saw the fight and pulled out his cellphone to call 911, but several of the assailants threatened him so he put his phone away and went home.
As the woman left her apartment about 8:30 p.m., she noticed that the teen was standing alone away from the group in his underwear. He did not appear in distress.
"He looked like he was composing himself. I don't know why he didn't just run away if he wasn't okay," she said.
Churcher said the Flemingdon Park area is no more dangerous than other parts of the city and suggested that violence is often correlated with rising temperatures.
An elderly woman who refused to give her name had another theory.
"We have to live here — that's why nobody ever sees anything.... No one wants to get shot for something they weren't part of," she said. "And people may not understand that, but it's because they don't live here."

Monday, July 17, 2006

Darn Knee

Back in March, I injured my left knee. I either pulled the tendons or ligaments (of course I did not go to the Doctor), and have been suffering since. See previous post (6 weeks and counting) for more information.

I stopped limping a while back, but I am still unable to put pressure on my knee. Kneeling is very painful, and it feels like something is going to snap. The knee is still swollen after 4 months, and tender to the touch. I started wrapping it once again (should have done it earlier in the injury phase), but I need to keep it wrapped now I believe. Drat, drat, you know how itchy a tensor bandage can be in the hot weather? Of course, now that I think about it perhaps a mobile brace would be better. Maybe, I should finally just go to the Doctor. But, who has time to wait for more than an hour to see your General MD, for perhaps ten minutes. Patience was never one of my virtues, and as time goes on...what little paitence I have left...wears even thinner...Though I like my Family Doctor, I do not like playing the waiting game.

And do not worry - Rants are coming (I am way overdue for a Political One) - Look Out Stephen Harper.

Blogroll and Profile Have Returned

I have restored both the Blogroll, and Profile. But, I have decided that "Pip" needed a well deserved rest (so have decided to remove my pet bunny from the site). In addition, I have made the Blogroll stand out more than the links.

And, courtesy of Malice (thank you very much) - there is now theme music to listen to if you so choose. This is the last link under the Blogroll. It plays in an endless loop so that you can listen to it while reading throughout the various postings.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Blogroll Will Return Shortly

Title states it all!

New and Improved "Musings of the Sea"

I have finally updated the look of my Blog. I also had to change all the font colours of my postings, which I have done for 2006. At some point, I will change the 2005 ones as well. Some of you may notice that there are different shades of blues that I used in the fonts, this was not an error. I am testing shades of blue to see what is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

I will also finish the Hospital post this week-end but for now - back to cleaning and sorting....oh the joys of housework on a Hot Week-end! Thank Goodness for Central Air!

For even though I long for the sea in the summer, I am not a fan of humidity and melt very easily...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Afraid Hospital Post Will Have To Wait To Be Finished

Had another migraine this week-end...These things are becoming more common for me than I have ever had in my life...

Back to the ICE pack and bed...

Good Night, and have a Great Monday!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

What is Wrong With Blogger?

I just posted (and yes folks it did post) one very long story about my 8 hour ordeal in Emergency (my friend was the patient and not I)at NY General Hospital and...lo and disappeared......................

It was one of my better rants ... *sigh* and normally *as was suggested to me a while back* to create my blogs in word and then post...and until tonight I have been doing that...but tonight it started flowing out and I did not wish to stop...

Now I am disheartened and have lost it all...well that about surmises in a nutshell the week I am why would I even presume that it would stay on the site...and not disappear into a puff of smoke...

Good Night....*sniff sniff*

Stay Away From North York General Hospital

Unless you have nothing better to do but sit on uncomfortable chairs, freezing to the point of shivering (and at the same time watching the Nurses wrapping blankets around themselves to keep warm - who cares about the patients from the look on their faces).

I spent 8 hours of my life, in the Emergency room of this hospital with a friend. From 9 PM on Tuesday (July 4th) until Wednesday Morning at 5 AM (July 5th).

I do not think that I have ever seen such a disorganised emergency room. The Nurses would make you wait in line behind that infamous sign that said "If you have a cough or cold, wear a mask" - in my mind when the Hospital starts pulling out the masks and alcohol cleanser for your hands, you know something is up but they will never let you know (this thinking was re-enforced later when the registration nurse asked my friend if he has been in any hospital in the last 3 weeks - and the lightbulb went off in my head and Bingo...Something happened or something is spreading...Now one just has to find out what is airborne in our breathing air now). Do you realise that there is such a high risk of catching something in the hospital now, that a great deal of patients when being discharged actually come down with something that they caught in the hospital! (I could be more gruesome and outlay specifics but I will restrain myself).

After waiting in this line, with other patients who are hacking on you, someone finally speaks to us. The patient then has to recite why they are there, with particular symptoms and then you get directed to a waiting room. And you wait, and wait (and there is not truly that many people there and for a hospital of that size - it has such a tiny Emergency area) and you wait. Then, you pray that your name gets called. And when it does (and the shock wears off your face) you go back to that same person who took your information the first round, and you repeat it all over again (fascinating isn't it). Then, lo and behold - you are sent back to the waiting area to wait to be called to the Registration area where your health card is swiped a 2nd time (as the first person has already swiped it twice).
Your name is called again (and you are starting to be in the mindset of you have been blessed (yes, this is how long you have to wait between the second and third time you give your details)...then this person swipes your card again and asks if you are indeed the same person as the picture on your health card (though I am aware that some of the old red and white ones (w/o photo) still exist...

And what is your reward for confirming that you are indeed the true self, and not an identity theft criminal - Why you get told to go back to your seat again...where you have the luxury of listening to a woman on a mobile phone in the emergency room - fighting with whomever is on the other end of the line (and yes, this part of the hospital - some bean counter decided that mobile phones were a good idea in this part of the Emergency Room). Finally, she gets so loud in the heated argument that some man in scrubs tells her to "keep it down". She was stunned but did not lower her voice.

Oh could it be, *as you listen more intently* why no, it possibly cannot be....but it is is true....3.5 hours after you have been waiting to be pulled into triage, your name is called again. You cry out with glee, and your face cracks a smile..."Finally, you think to yourself this is it - I am finally going to be brought before some" but alas it is not so...and your heart breaks off in pieces once more as you realise that they are only going to take your blood. You try and try and try to "think think think" why could they have not taken blood work when you were there ONE of the previous times providing your repeated information as - wait for it...

The same person again (repeated info)is the one taking your blood. This is starting to impact one's state of mind at this ungodly hour. Then, brace must truly brace yourself for your luck is about to chance....YOUR NAME IS CALLED OVER THE SPEAKER SYSTEM...and one musters all their strength in case rejection rears its ugly head once more...but find out that you indeed have won a prize...

and what prize have you won after more than 4 hours of waiting in a small area with uncomfortable chairs...and with strangers whom are ill all around you....why you win the first prize of...

*Hope that you are sitting down* - going to another Waiting Room...yes folks that is eyes are not deceiving get to go to a smaller and more confined Waiting room with even more uncomfortable seating and you are now even closer to those who are hacking up a storm (without a mask on). Holy Smoke, you cannot believe that this lovely prize was more than 4 hours in the making...and boy does it show!

(and as a side note my sleep is completely off kilter hence why I am awake at this ungodly hour) and I am going to finish this tomorrow night... ( I know the suspense is killing you but alas another night of sheer depravity never hurt anyone - and if you do not believe me - just ask those whom have moved into Emergency still waiting for their information to be taken)