Thursday, July 06, 2006

Stay Away From North York General Hospital

Unless you have nothing better to do but sit on uncomfortable chairs, freezing to the point of shivering (and at the same time watching the Nurses wrapping blankets around themselves to keep warm - who cares about the patients from the look on their faces).

I spent 8 hours of my life, in the Emergency room of this hospital with a friend. From 9 PM on Tuesday (July 4th) until Wednesday Morning at 5 AM (July 5th).

I do not think that I have ever seen such a disorganised emergency room. The Nurses would make you wait in line behind that infamous sign that said "If you have a cough or cold, wear a mask" - in my mind when the Hospital starts pulling out the masks and alcohol cleanser for your hands, you know something is up but they will never let you know (this thinking was re-enforced later when the registration nurse asked my friend if he has been in any hospital in the last 3 weeks - and the lightbulb went off in my head and Bingo...Something happened or something is spreading...Now one just has to find out what is airborne in our breathing air now). Do you realise that there is such a high risk of catching something in the hospital now, that a great deal of patients when being discharged actually come down with something that they caught in the hospital! (I could be more gruesome and outlay specifics but I will restrain myself).

After waiting in this line, with other patients who are hacking on you, someone finally speaks to us. The patient then has to recite why they are there, with particular symptoms and then you get directed to a waiting room. And you wait, and wait (and there is not truly that many people there and for a hospital of that size - it has such a tiny Emergency area) and you wait. Then, you pray that your name gets called. And when it does (and the shock wears off your face) you go back to that same person who took your information the first round, and you repeat it all over again (fascinating isn't it). Then, lo and behold - you are sent back to the waiting area to wait to be called to the Registration area where your health card is swiped a 2nd time (as the first person has already swiped it twice).
Your name is called again (and you are starting to be in the mindset of you have been blessed (yes, this is how long you have to wait between the second and third time you give your details)...then this person swipes your card again and asks if you are indeed the same person as the picture on your health card (though I am aware that some of the old red and white ones (w/o photo) still exist...

And what is your reward for confirming that you are indeed the true self, and not an identity theft criminal - Why you get told to go back to your seat again...where you have the luxury of listening to a woman on a mobile phone in the emergency room - fighting with whomever is on the other end of the line (and yes, this part of the hospital - some bean counter decided that mobile phones were a good idea in this part of the Emergency Room). Finally, she gets so loud in the heated argument that some man in scrubs tells her to "keep it down". She was stunned but did not lower her voice.

Oh could it be, *as you listen more intently* why no, it possibly cannot be....but it is is true....3.5 hours after you have been waiting to be pulled into triage, your name is called again. You cry out with glee, and your face cracks a smile..."Finally, you think to yourself this is it - I am finally going to be brought before some" but alas it is not so...and your heart breaks off in pieces once more as you realise that they are only going to take your blood. You try and try and try to "think think think" why could they have not taken blood work when you were there ONE of the previous times providing your repeated information as - wait for it...

The same person again (repeated info)is the one taking your blood. This is starting to impact one's state of mind at this ungodly hour. Then, brace must truly brace yourself for your luck is about to chance....YOUR NAME IS CALLED OVER THE SPEAKER SYSTEM...and one musters all their strength in case rejection rears its ugly head once more...but find out that you indeed have won a prize...

and what prize have you won after more than 4 hours of waiting in a small area with uncomfortable chairs...and with strangers whom are ill all around you....why you win the first prize of...

*Hope that you are sitting down* - going to another Waiting Room...yes folks that is eyes are not deceiving get to go to a smaller and more confined Waiting room with even more uncomfortable seating and you are now even closer to those who are hacking up a storm (without a mask on). Holy Smoke, you cannot believe that this lovely prize was more than 4 hours in the making...and boy does it show!

(and as a side note my sleep is completely off kilter hence why I am awake at this ungodly hour) and I am going to finish this tomorrow night... ( I know the suspense is killing you but alas another night of sheer depravity never hurt anyone - and if you do not believe me - just ask those whom have moved into Emergency still waiting for their information to be taken)

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