The definition of the 3 (Spring, Summer, and Fall) seasons in Mantaray's Dictionary: Sneezing, Watery Eyes, and Misery. Yes, Hayfever season is upon us with a bang. So, there you have the main reason why Winter is my favorite season of all. "Why they have drugs for that" you cry out to me - so that you do not have to suffer in public. Aha - you cry back...but you see the amount of pollen and ragweed change from year to year. As well as does one's system. So what worked for you last year (heck even last month), is not going to work for you this time around. Then, you get to play the spin the wheel and try this drug. If this drug does not work, oh well too bad you just spend $30.00 on it. Now, you get the wheel, and win another name of a drug for you to fork over $20.00 for this time. Round and round she goes, and no one knows when the misery will stop. And I being one of the fortunate few, have my allergies from March all the way to October. I cannot begin to tell you how lucky I feel. Then, I hear another cry - "Why don't you go to the Doctor and play the Prescription Spin the Wheel?" Again, I cry out - I do I do, and guess what...I end up with the same results.
So when you see me on the street, and my eyes are swollen and I am drowning in tissue - I am okay. truly ....I am only just in misery. But, thank you for your concern.
Now, I begin the latest TTC General Public Pet Peeves (as these are directed at the Idiotic General Public, and not the TTC (their time is coming).
1) Why does one think that they are above lining up for whatever Public Transit Vehicle you are waiting for? If I am lining up patiently, then so should you. You are not royalty, you are not even one from the Government, you are a person who is annoying those of us who follow the rules. I know that you believe you are above waiting in queue, but trust me - you are not. When, you have 20 sets of eyes on you because you just casually stroll up and go right to the front of the line...I would be careful if I was you...because one day....those 20 sets of eyes are going to lose patience with you and make you take your proper place. You will not enjoy it!
2) Why do you insist on blocking the doors? Are you afraid of the middle of the train, bus, streetcar? Or perhaps you just like to fight with us who are trying to get off or on the vehicle. Generally speaking there is always room in the middle, because it seems that people have a phobia of standing there. Perhaps, you believe that others do not deserve to get on/off that vehicle. Perhaps, you just like holding up the vehicle, and making it off schedule. For you see, you are one of the reasons why there are so many delays. Do you not think that by blocking all available doors, and ensuring that people have to plow through you (with your backpack and all) that this is going to cause serious delays. You know once upon a time, I was a mild and meek soul. The TTC Patrons for the most part, made me what I am today.
3) Pushers - these are the ones that if you are just approaching a ticket booth they will push you aside (physically) just so that they can get ahead of you by perhaps 10 seconds. Are those 10 seconds the last of your life, and you just have to get on that train etc? Or perhaps you are part of a team that gathers points for the amount of patrons you push?
4) If you read "Plagued by Dumbasses" blog, I just had the same type of experience on Friday as she did. There were 3 elderly people, and I gave up my seat for one of them. No one else gave up their seat, for the elderly couple who were hanging for dear life. How do you people sleep at night?
Okay, it is now getting late, and past my bed-time. So I will continue these another day.
Well, I just realised (I am not only behind in my Blogging, but I neglected to Tag 3 others, as I said I would do. So there are the lucky ones:
1) Malice
2) Taras
3) Akane (and yes I still have to update your link)
Good Night All!
i have written this type of post before... unfortunately, the way the state of world and ttc land is going - it will only get worse not better.
Thanks for the support as I embark on my mission to join the driving community. But with knowing how crazy people are on public transit - do I really want to be on the road with these people??
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