Sunday, January 08, 2006

Global Warming....Is it real or fabrication?

Over the past several years, I have been reading about the Climate Change and the Global Warming effect. I am a true skeptic at heart, and tend to research things before I believe in them. Since the Global Warming theory first gained international support in 1988, there has been so much media on this, including several published articles in renowned science journals that I took it as fact (for the most part). Yet, in the back of my mind, I have always remembered an article written in National Geographic (before the world {general population} knew of Global Warming) that stated another Ice Age is coming.
The question is what do we believe, and how much influence does money have on the Science World, and what it reports.

We know that the temperature in the Antarctica is cooling (yes, even though one section of the Larsen B ice shelf collapsed - yet the other sections are increasing in size) . We know that Hansen's theory (yes, Folks - Global Warming is only a theory) that he reported in 1988 has some serious flaws.

We know that several respected scientists dispute the fact that Global Warming exists, and that it is generally the media and the public that has pushed it to the foreground.

So where does this all lead us to? Can we completely dispute "Global Warming", no we cannot. However, we cannot accept is as fact either.

In this day and age, the unfortunate side of growth and change is that money now rules the world.

In today's world, the bottom line counts. We have allowed bean counters to rule our companies and make decisions based soley on figures. What looks good on paper, does not look good in the real world. Yet, we do not have the courage to change this.

As a result, areas that are essential to knowledge, change, and technology are starving for funds. This allows those with money to influence what information is released based on the grants that one receives. It may be a paragraph, it may be a chapter, but we do know that money talks and has too much influence over the world today. It is now not what is best for man, but what is best for the pocketbook of Companies.

So for now Global Warming is still pushed to the forefront, but you can be certain that the next article that I read - first I will look at who has the most to gain before I accept it as truth...

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