I am going to probably be raked over the coals for this one. But, my belief in the goodwill of the Canadian Politician (and intelligence mind you) is failing by the minute. This is from me, someone whom has both loved and followed politics all of my life. Someone who feels very strongly about what we have accomplished in this Nation. Our history is what defines us, and our beliefs are what keeps us strong. However, our political parties are a mess right now and to be completely honest I would much rather vote for Snoopy (and yes, I know he is American). We have Paul Martin who seemed to be such a strong voice in Parliment until he butted heads with Jean. We will never know the true story, but it seems to have taken it's toll on him in a matter of months. We have Stephen Harper who does not know what he stands for, and who through the previous tough times in this country disappeared from view. Yet, he resurfaces when there is a chance that his party will win (And Stephen, your party is this strong because we are simply fed up with corruption and this has nothing to do with who you are because trust me, if we were voting based on character, you would not even be on the ballot). You can call it conservative all you like, but your beliefs are that of the reform party. Sometimes, I believe Stephen forgets he is from Ontario and not the west. Then, we come to Jack Layton - the man who is responsible for this mess....he is the one that agreed to bring down the Liberals and stated that they were not good for Canada....well, now he has completely flipped the other way and is trying to bring down what the Polls say will be a Conservative Minority....Jack, you cannot have it both ways. You obviously do not know what to stand behind, and you do not stand up to your own ideas...but flop every which way depending on where you see the most votes...that does not make a great Leader...
Oh, and to address all those various polls that the media keep pushing down our throats...remember they are only accurate based on the question...in otherwords, they mean nothing! Remember, the polls in the US declared Al Gore the winner in George Bush's first term...but that is another story altogether...
If the Conservatives are attempting to make believe that they are the former PC Conservative party and are using that reputation to base their campaign on...Should we remind Stephen of the history of the Mulroney Legacy....he brought in GST....he brought in Free Trade which has resulted in most of our goods no longer being made in Canada...even Roots no longer makes and produces all of their goods in Canada...the Taxpayers paid for the furnishing of Sussex House, and I could go on...but you get the idea...
Now on Monday, I will do my duty as a Canadian and vote but I do not have confidence in any of the current Leaders of any party at this time. How sad...
I, for one, am voting for Al Gore on Monday.
Excellent breakdown of the parties, and how very accurate. I too wish that Peter MacKay was the leader of the Conservations. Even more, I am concur with the hope that Belinda loses her seat.
And the Count is 2 Votes for Gore, and 1 for Snoopy. Based on that, as a amateur pollster - Gore will be the next PM of Canada. :D
And yes, elephants and donkeys have taken over the House of Commons.
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