Rain Rain Go Away
I know that I am one of the very few people in the City (and probably the Country) that prefers snow over rain.
Rain is dull and dreary. Rain is cold at times. Rain makes you wet.
Snow is bright and beautiful. Snow can be mild at times. Snow does not make you wet (well, unless you have been out in it for a while such as skiing).
Rain makes drivers crazy, and they speed to the point of hydroplaning. Do these drivers realize that hydroplaning – means that your tires do not touch the ground? Perhaps they do not.
Snow makes a driver slow down, and makes them aware of their surroundings. Snow makes people more cautious drivers by nature (pun intended although it is a poor one at best).
One can be out in the snow for hours, and time flies. One can be out in the rain for ten minutes, and times slows to the point of misery (where the ten minute feels like sixty).
One can make a home out of snow; no one can make a home from raindrops.
Snow comes in many shapes and sizes that one can see. Rain comes in splashes, which fog up glasses.
Snow is best you see, and I agree.
I agree completely. I was wishing for snow as I left the office this evening, thinking that snow would be much nicer.
There is a certain serenity about snow. Perhaps it is the way that snow muffles the noise and slows everyone down, it makes the world seem far more peaceful, if only for a moment.
Shannon, I'm with you on the whole snow being better thing - it's peaceful, beautiful and while it's not always fun to shovel, it has so many other delightful uses, like snowballs, building snowmen (we must watch out for them, though lest they come alive and come after us), snow castles, etc.
We finally got our snow. Albeit not as much as I would like...but we have it :)
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