Why is a question that we as a society lately seem to have forgotten even exists.
Why is a powerful word that we can use in all aspects of our dealings with each other on this planet but we do not… why is that?
Why do we as a society instill in our children fear of the unknown? Instead of teaching our children to be confident to face that which is different; we teach them to fear that which is different.
Why do we as a society allow criminals to not accept responsibility for their actions? Instead of stating that yes they robbed a store, instead they blame their environment and upbringing. What about the more than 90% of others in that were raised in the same type of upbringing but chose to respect the law.
Why do we as a society allow the Government to break their promises to us on a repeated basis, but not to demand recourse from them? We are in charge the Government, and they are not in charge of us. We have every right to hold them accountable for their actions. Instead we are passive, and allow them to continue in office.
Why do we demand more action from our local Law Enforcement when violent crime seems to be on the upswing? Instead of standing up to those which break the law, and having them fear that they will be reported, we cower behind our fear. How does one instill common sense into those who witness crime that if more people stood up and were truthful to what they saw, crime would go down.
Why do we allow our Government to tax us to death, and then even continue to stand by while this same Government taxes up to 60% of our income in the other taxation forms? We have tax on books, tax on certain food, tax on entertainment, tax on homes, tax upon tax. We complain about it but we never act upon it.
Why do we allow the media to manipulate the news in the form of ratings? Why do we now expect the news not to be reported facts, but for the media to speculate in which every way that they believe will garner more ratings?
Why do we not demand quality programming from the Television Industry? We complain that there is nothing on TV, yet we allow ourselves to watch the cheap, calculated reality shows which put dollars into the Executives pockets, but does not provide us with value?
Have we as a society forgotten our voice? Have we forgotten in this day and age of Technology that we have more avenues to us than ever before to stand up and make change?
Why do we listen to the Seal Hunters who claim that they kill those poor baby seals in a most humane way? So beating them over the head with a club until they bleed out is humane? (do not even get me started on this one)
We as a collective have the power to change the laws of our society. We have the power to enforce our Government by the rules that put them into office in the first place (and may they never forget that). We have the power to change the justice system. We have the power to change the world if we want. One voice at a time, if we so make that choice.
Never forget to stand up for your beliefs, and never forget the power of “Why”!
1 comment:
Ever consider a career in Politics or Law?
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