Sunday, April 30, 2006

Allergies and TTC Pet Peeves

The definition of the 3 (Spring, Summer, and Fall) seasons in Mantaray's Dictionary: Sneezing, Watery Eyes, and Misery. Yes, Hayfever season is upon us with a bang. So, there you have the main reason why Winter is my favorite season of all. "Why they have drugs for that" you cry out to me - so that you do not have to suffer in public. Aha - you cry back...but you see the amount of pollen and ragweed change from year to year. As well as does one's system. So what worked for you last year (heck even last month), is not going to work for you this time around. Then, you get to play the spin the wheel and try this drug. If this drug does not work, oh well too bad you just spend $30.00 on it. Now, you get the wheel, and win another name of a drug for you to fork over $20.00 for this time. Round and round she goes, and no one knows when the misery will stop. And I being one of the fortunate few, have my allergies from March all the way to October. I cannot begin to tell you how lucky I feel. Then, I hear another cry - "Why don't you go to the Doctor and play the Prescription Spin the Wheel?" Again, I cry out - I do I do, and guess what...I end up with the same results.

So when you see me on the street, and my eyes are swollen and I am drowning in tissue - I am okay. truly ....I am only just in misery. But, thank you for your concern.

Now, I begin the latest TTC General Public Pet Peeves (as these are directed at the Idiotic General Public, and not the TTC (their time is coming).

1) Why does one think that they are above lining up for whatever Public Transit Vehicle you are waiting for? If I am lining up patiently, then so should you. You are not royalty, you are not even one from the Government, you are a person who is annoying those of us who follow the rules. I know that you believe you are above waiting in queue, but trust me - you are not. When, you have 20 sets of eyes on you because you just casually stroll up and go right to the front of the line...I would be careful if I was you...because one day....those 20 sets of eyes are going to lose patience with you and make you take your proper place. You will not enjoy it!

2) Why do you insist on blocking the doors? Are you afraid of the middle of the train, bus, streetcar? Or perhaps you just like to fight with us who are trying to get off or on the vehicle. Generally speaking there is always room in the middle, because it seems that people have a phobia of standing there. Perhaps, you believe that others do not deserve to get on/off that vehicle. Perhaps, you just like holding up the vehicle, and making it off schedule. For you see, you are one of the reasons why there are so many delays. Do you not think that by blocking all available doors, and ensuring that people have to plow through you (with your backpack and all) that this is going to cause serious delays. You know once upon a time, I was a mild and meek soul. The TTC Patrons for the most part, made me what I am today.

3) Pushers - these are the ones that if you are just approaching a ticket booth they will push you aside (physically) just so that they can get ahead of you by perhaps 10 seconds. Are those 10 seconds the last of your life, and you just have to get on that train etc? Or perhaps you are part of a team that gathers points for the amount of patrons you push?

4) If you read "Plagued by Dumbasses" blog, I just had the same type of experience on Friday as she did. There were 3 elderly people, and I gave up my seat for one of them. No one else gave up their seat, for the elderly couple who were hanging for dear life. How do you people sleep at night?


Okay, it is now getting late, and past my bed-time. So I will continue these another day.

Well, I just realised (I am not only behind in my Blogging, but I neglected to Tag 3 others, as I said I would do. So there are the lucky ones:

1) Malice
2) Taras
3) Akane (and yes I still have to update your link)

Good Night All!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

6 Weeks and Counting!!

After 6 weeks of limping, and putting up with the pain...I have finally come to the conclusion that I must have torn a ligament in my left knee. The first couple of weeks were very painful, and stairs/cars killed me. You maybe thinking that a "car" makes no sense, but when in fact it does. You see one usually has to bend their knee to get in (especially the backseat), and out of a car (at least one like me who has very short legs). Everytime, I have gotten in/out of a car over the past 6 weeks, has been torture. It feels like the ligament in my knee is going to separate (it is like a rubber band that is being completely stretched until it breaks). At least though, I can sort of fake that I am not limping. Though, I cannot yet put all my weight on my knee, it will allow me to bear down on it more. However, if you are one of the poor souls who happens to be behind me on a bus (sorry, yes buses also kill my knee right now), or the stairs then you will know my secret. I know that I should have gone to the Doctor's but there are a few reasons why I have yet not gone.

A) I frankly do not want to spend 2 hrs in the office (and this includes my family Doctor - where I am usually guaranteed to wait an hr no matter what time my apt is).
B) I have been through this before (though not w/o seeing a Dr), and if it is not bad enough to require surgery there is not too much they can do.

You see it all started when I was 15 yrs old. I remember that day well, because it was my Father's Birthday. We needed candles for his cake, so my Mother and I went to Grocery Store to pick up some. Coming home, we were in a car accident (caused by a drunk driver going through a stop sign) and my knees hit the dashboard hard. This drunk driver hit our car so hard that it spun it around 360, and pieces of the car were found a few streets over. The rest of the story I will leave for another day. However, I will briefly mention that this accident happened right outside a medical clinic, and it took them a very long time for a doctor to come to the scene (and I am from a small town so no 911 then).

Anyways, to make a long story short, my knees have been messed up ever since. You see when my knees hit the dashboard, my kneecaps took the full force of the blow. Thus, (I will not go into details) resulted in little pieces of the bone breaking off, as well as the degeneration process of the cartilage. My knees have never been the same.

Now, back to the present my left knee has always been the worst since the car accident (even after the surgery). Well, lo and behold that happens to be the same knee that I have now injured. I would have much prefered the right knee to sustain the injury.

So, here we are 6 weeks after the initial injury, and I am still limping along. I know that my being on it all the time is not helping, and in fact my knee is still swollen.

Perhaps, I may finally break down, and see that Doctor after all. I am quite frankly tired of not being able to put pressure/weight on it, and I want to walk normally again! I do not think that is too much to ask.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tag Posts Responses

I have been tagged :) by Gwen, and will create the responses tonight (cannot sleep even though it is past the witching hour). Tomorrow, I will once again try to start posting on a regular basis, and will finish the comments (including those who I will be tagging) tomorrow evening.

Here we go!

3 Names U go By: Shann, Evil Smurfette, Munchkin

3 Screen Names U Have Had: Villiesocean, Countach, and ToSmurfette

3 Things U Like about Yourself: My Hair, My Independence, My Strength

3 Things U Do not Like about Yourself: My Hair, My Shyness, My Height

3 Parts of Your Heritage: English, Irish, and Scottish

3 Things that Scare U: Deep Water (yet I love the Oceans - go figure), Bugs, and Stephen Harper as our Prime Minister

3 of Your Everyday Essentials: Reading, Dreaming (not the kind that you have while your asleep), and Learning

3 Things U are Wearing Right Now: Necklace, Glasses, and My Favorite Sweatshirt

3 of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists: Sarah Brightman, Depeche Mode, and Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

3 of Your Favorite Songs: Music of the Night, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, and Silent Night

3 Things U Want to Try in the Next 12 Months: A Real Holiday (apologies to my Family), Motorcycle License, Skydiving

3 Things You Want in a Relationship: Communication, Honesty, and Humour

2 Truths and a Lie: Stephen Harper treats Canadians with disdain, I met Mr. Dressup, and I do not like to read.

3 Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to U: Intelligence, Adventure, and Laughter

3 Things about the Same Sex that Appeal to U: Humour,generosityy, Compassion

3 Things U Just Cannot Do: Stop collecting Books, Understand why I attract the weird ones on the Public Transit, Understand why people insist on others hearing their Mobile Phone conversations in public

3 of Your Favorite Hobbies: Reading, Going to the Museums, and Forensics

3 Things U Want to do Really Bad Right Now: Go To Sleep, Arrange for Stephen Harper to Step Down as Prime Minister (and Leader of the Conservative Party), Find Loving Homes for all the Animals in Shelters (and those that are strays)

3 Careers U are Considering: Forensic Psychology, Criminalist, Networking/Telephony

3 Places You Want to Go on Vacation: Switzerland, Ireland, and Austria

3 Kid's Names: Laurel, Scota, and Colm

3 Things U Want to Do Before U Die: Make A Positive Difference in the World Around Us, Visit Ireland, and Return to the Ocean to Live

3 Ways U are Stereotypically a Boy: Love Action Movies, Love Autos, and Love Sports

3 Ways U are Stereotypically a Chick: I know that there is more to life than Sports, I cry at Movie Trailers (who needs the movie), and I am very indecisive

3 Celeb Crushes: Don Johnson (no laughing) , Pierce Brosnan, and Matthew McConaughey

3 People U Would Like to Complete This Quiz: That is for Tomorrow!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Someone Please...Put...

Donald Trump out of my misery. I do not watch his show, but I am tired of the commericals. Of hearing his arrogant voice, and I think that he truly believes that he is one of the greatest businessmen that ever lived (but he does not come even close).

Why does such a supposedly intelligent businessman want to be the star of a cheaply produced, quickly forgettable show in which it appears (and notice that I said appears) to have people cut-throating their colleagues (at least in the commericals)...just to show how low they will go for a job with Trump. (and I barely watch Television which shows you how many times his face is splashed across the screen).

Please get that man off of my TV!

Fun Quiz Results

You fit in with:
Your ideals mostly resemble those of the Taoist faith. Spirituality is the most important thing in your life. You strive to live by all of your ideals, and live a very intellectually focused life.40% spiritual.20% reason-oriented.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sunday...Lovely Sunday...

What a lovely Sunday to veg for awhile. Today, I have decided to get back into my creative writing. It has been far too long. I wrote my first poem (in months) a couple of weeks ago, and now it is time for me to push the creative envelope again. I love writing, and sometimes when I start I cannot stop (so there is almost of fear of starting for not being able to stop - if that makes sense). I have been writing in one form or another all of my life (well, since I first learned how to use a pencil). I still vaguely remember my first writings, and now wish that I kept them. C'est la vie!

Today, is the second day of April, and boy have the days flown by this year. I am still attempting to wrap my head around the fact that we are in the 21st century. To know that we are now in the latter half of the decade, just blows me away.

Last night, I ensured to change the times on all clocks save one (have you ever tried to change the hands of time on clocks when you are not even 5ft tall?). If I put the clocks at my height, my apt would have the appearance of a doll house, but oh how it would make things easier. If I ever build my dream house, it will be built for me. Not for the tall ones of the world, but me. Why is it that everything seems to revolve around those 5'8 and over. This I will never understand.

One of the funniest things that I have read in a long time (funny in a way), is the law that demands that children under 5ft (who are too big for a carseat), must sit on a booster seat. For seatbelts are not built for short people, and especially those under 5 feet. Seatbelts can cause serious damage to those of under this height. Well, what about the adults who are under 5 feet? We know that seatbelts are not made for us (hence why they always strangle me). Are we the forgotten? Are we the ones that the Transportation Governing Body does not care about? Or perhaps they do not realise in their world of bean counters, that we even exist. Now, I for one do not want to sit on a booster chair. I want to know why they cannot make the seatbelts adjustable for all heights. Seatbelts are not even truly made for a woman, but for a man (typical of the car industry - that claims to be ahead on the world of technology but in fact is in the dark ages when you think about it). There have been many changes to cars over the years, but if you strip a car down to it's true essence (4 wheels, seats, windows, and a steering column) it has not truly changed. Once upon a time, I was told by the Technology/Science mags that I was reading, that by the time I turned 16, I would be driving in flying cars. My god, we do not even have the technology anymore to put a man on the moon. I find that in certain cases, technology is too quick in its praise of itself, when in reality it does not even deserve a handshake.