Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble. - Act IV - Scene I - Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Tonight is the night for all to beware of what lurks in the dark and scary eve ....who knows what evil lurks in the heart of those too old to be "Trick or Treating" - yet they must... for they are cursed to wear a costume forever on All Hallowe'd is their fate that they walked the earth after the witching hour and forgot to be all "nestled in their beds" and now they must pay the price...
So, if you are out and about on this most spooky night, beware of those out past midnight...for you too could meet the fate of those before you, and be cursed forever to wear a "Jedi Knight"...
A Tale of a Fish out of Water, and Far Away from the Sea.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
I realised that while salvaging my posts, I managed to change my settings. The settings that allows one to post comments on my new posts. This finally dawned on me yesterday. So hopefully I have it corrected.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Very Difficult
I want to applaud Gwen, for being so dedicated to her Blog. It seems like one thing after another, and *poof* is already just a day shy of a week...since my last post. Today, is day 4 of a Migraine or is that day 5 and I am just not up to thinking straight. Though I will have to comment on that most ridiculous law of the Ontario Government ...concerning "Pitbulls". To have so many rules on the poor dogs, without holding the owners truly accountable confirms my belief that politicians just do not have a clue...and make up laws in the hopes that it will get them voted back into the office. When will the Ontario Government realise that it is the owners, and not the dogs that are the problem. To ban these beautiful animals because of the lack of understanding and rules governing their owners is unacceptable. So if the owners abuse their pitbulls and make them aggressive, do we make stronger laws to rightly punish these people and ban them from owning animals permanently. No...instead they take it out on the dogs treating them almost on the same level as human. The Ontario Government is severely lacking courage, knowledge, and plain common sense. As one who has been bitten by a pitbull (12 puncture wounds in my left hand), I have first hand knowledge of what these dogs can do...when they are under the care of an irresponsible owner. It amazes me that the Government will not take measures to ensure stronger laws are in place to protect and prevent puppy mills, and animal cruelty. Yet, they declare war on the poor defenseless animals. And yet, there are those who fail to comprehend when people do not vote. I do vote but I will clearly state that there is not currently a politician or political party that I believe in. Not, when most Governments are reactive and never proactive. That is the failings of poor leadership.
One day I hope to see a government and People that have the courage to realise that change is not a choice but a requirement. That the world is continually evolving, and that knowledge is truly power.
One day I hope to see a government and People that have the courage to realise that change is not a choice but a requirement. That the world is continually evolving, and that knowledge is truly power.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Word of advice...never work on your Blog at 4 AM...because you may make very foolish mistakes. I am not feeling well, and my brain simply does not understand this. Hence, why I am up at this hour, and my brain is going a mile a minute. Therefore, I thought I would work on the code to add Links to my blog. Well, I created a second test blog and once I got the coding to where I wanted, I deleted what I thought was my test blog. Turns out it was my original blog, and I lost everything. I did happen to have a page open with the old blog posts (all except one) I managed to salvage the posts. Unfortunately, I lost the comments as well. In order for me to keep track, I added the original post dates (for my benefit only). My apologies to all whom leave wonderful comments and may I never been so foolish again.

As I look at this picture with fond memories, I can once again smell the salt in the air...and hear the roar of the surf. This is where I spent all of my summers growing up, and a place to where I know I will eventually return. How can one describe such a place to those whom have never known the touch of the cool sand on their feet...Who have never experienced the joy of jumping the waves... The feel of the water lapping against your legs as you so desperately try to save your maginificent sandcastle (all sandcastles are grandeur to those who build them - especially those without any true skills)...The calmest of the waves when one needs to soothe their soul...the breathtaking beauty of its inhabitants...and the wonder of life that it gives so freely. There are those who believe a lake is on equal ground with the ocean, and I am here to tell them they are wrong. For a lake does not have the variety of life that the sea contains, nor does it provide such a lively hood for those who live within its boundaries. It does not have the depths, the treasures, and the force of the ocean. Lakes do have their place within our hearts, and they give peace to those who need it. But they will never compare on any level with the beauty of the Sea.
Blog of the Unknown
Originally Posted On Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I truly do not know what to write for tonight, but want to post at least something. I have also realised that for the last two posts, I did not format them the same as the others *smacking my forehead*. Oh well... C'est la vie!Fall is definitely here, and I love when you can smell it in the air. The trees are changing colours, though not as vibrantly as I remember (past seasons). Nature is truly beautiful at this time of year; there is nothing like watching children playing in a pile of freshly fallen leaves (somethings in our ever present world of constant change - remain the same). This is the perfect time to curl up with a good book, and electric throw (so I can at least pretend I have the warmth of a fire). Well, that is about it for now. Once again I am up way past my bedtime, and my brain is letting me know.
I bid all a good night.
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 1:48 AM 0 comments
I truly do not know what to write for tonight, but want to post at least something. I have also realised that for the last two posts, I did not format them the same as the others *smacking my forehead*. Oh well... C'est la vie!Fall is definitely here, and I love when you can smell it in the air. The trees are changing colours, though not as vibrantly as I remember (past seasons). Nature is truly beautiful at this time of year; there is nothing like watching children playing in a pile of freshly fallen leaves (somethings in our ever present world of constant change - remain the same). This is the perfect time to curl up with a good book, and electric throw (so I can at least pretend I have the warmth of a fire). Well, that is about it for now. Once again I am up way past my bedtime, and my brain is letting me know.
I bid all a good night.
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Originally Posted On Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Why is it that the Marketing Dept at hugely successful companies, treat the general population as idiots. I will admit that there are a few people that one has to shake their head at and wonder..How in the world these people can function in there day to day life (for an explanation - just ask any retail staff during the month of December). For example, Rogers ...Our wonderful monopoly Cable company...They are advertising over and over and over (get my drift)...That if you pay an outrageous price for their digital cable (which in reality has very few subscribers) you can get their famous "time-shifting". Yes, they have even coined a term for it. However, what they fail to mention is that there is no magic involved...No group of employees who worked diligently on how to offer more to their customers...No...Rogers just has the good fortune to be based in a country with 5 different time zones. So the reality is that their so called "time-shifting" is TV channels in each of the 5 zones, and voila that is it. It literally stupifies me how they can get away with it. It leads one to believe that there is this new upgrade in Cable, that will allow you to schedule any show that you want to watch around your life. Or what about the phrase "New and Improved". How many times a week, do you see a TV ad for some "new and improved" product of a brand that you use. When in reality, "new and improved" means that they have reduced the size of the product in volume. The same goes for "Ultra" and yet these companies continue to do this on a daily basis.What about politicians? They (in General) make promises we all know that they are not going to keep (and have no intention of keeping)...And yet we vote them the hopes that they will keep their promises. Vicious CircleWhy do we allow them to "pull the wool" over our eyes?
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Why is it that the Marketing Dept at hugely successful companies, treat the general population as idiots. I will admit that there are a few people that one has to shake their head at and wonder..How in the world these people can function in there day to day life (for an explanation - just ask any retail staff during the month of December). For example, Rogers ...Our wonderful monopoly Cable company...They are advertising over and over and over (get my drift)...That if you pay an outrageous price for their digital cable (which in reality has very few subscribers) you can get their famous "time-shifting". Yes, they have even coined a term for it. However, what they fail to mention is that there is no magic involved...No group of employees who worked diligently on how to offer more to their customers...No...Rogers just has the good fortune to be based in a country with 5 different time zones. So the reality is that their so called "time-shifting" is TV channels in each of the 5 zones, and voila that is it. It literally stupifies me how they can get away with it. It leads one to believe that there is this new upgrade in Cable, that will allow you to schedule any show that you want to watch around your life. Or what about the phrase "New and Improved". How many times a week, do you see a TV ad for some "new and improved" product of a brand that you use. When in reality, "new and improved" means that they have reduced the size of the product in volume. The same goes for "Ultra" and yet these companies continue to do this on a daily basis.What about politicians? They (in General) make promises we all know that they are not going to keep (and have no intention of keeping)...And yet we vote them the hopes that they will keep their promises. Vicious CircleWhy do we allow them to "pull the wool" over our eyes?
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 1:06 AM 0 comments
I Blew It...
Originally Posted On Sunday, October 16, 2005
Well, I truly blew my posting of a log per day.... I blew it right out of the water. By the time I get home from work in the evenings, I am so tired from all the traveling, I have been going right to bed and read (to unwind). So, now I am going to try and get right back on the blog and start again. Tonight, I went to the movies with one of my friends. We went to see Wallace and Gromit "Curse of the Were-Rabbit" and it had a short movie beforehand. The short movie starred the Penguins from the "Madagascar Movie", and it was called "Christmas Caper" (or something along those lines). Well, we enjoyed them both thoroughly. It has been a long time since I have laughed that hard. They were both brilliantly done, and I love British Humour. In fact, I love Kids Movies and always will. I believe it is the simple enjoyment of laughter that one does not find in Adult Movies. The pure innocence of wanting to entertain the creative and imaginative mind of children. I know that in some ways, I will always be a child at heart. I believe that you must enjoy life, even though it deals some rough blows at times. One must also be able to laugh at one's self because life is too short not to be happy. I was planning on a longer post tonight, but my eyes are starting to close (which is telling me that I am past my bedtime). Tomorrow, will definitely be a longer post.Good Night All
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 11:22 PM 2 comments
Well, I truly blew my posting of a log per day.... I blew it right out of the water. By the time I get home from work in the evenings, I am so tired from all the traveling, I have been going right to bed and read (to unwind). So, now I am going to try and get right back on the blog and start again. Tonight, I went to the movies with one of my friends. We went to see Wallace and Gromit "Curse of the Were-Rabbit" and it had a short movie beforehand. The short movie starred the Penguins from the "Madagascar Movie", and it was called "Christmas Caper" (or something along those lines). Well, we enjoyed them both thoroughly. It has been a long time since I have laughed that hard. They were both brilliantly done, and I love British Humour. In fact, I love Kids Movies and always will. I believe it is the simple enjoyment of laughter that one does not find in Adult Movies. The pure innocence of wanting to entertain the creative and imaginative mind of children. I know that in some ways, I will always be a child at heart. I believe that you must enjoy life, even though it deals some rough blows at times. One must also be able to laugh at one's self because life is too short not to be happy. I was planning on a longer post tonight, but my eyes are starting to close (which is telling me that I am past my bedtime). Tomorrow, will definitely be a longer post.Good Night All
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 11:22 PM 2 comments
Mobile Phones...The New Things Strangers Ask To Borrow
Originally Posted On Monday, October 10, 2005
I am completely dumbfounded and utterly speechless at this...Twice in the last 3 weeks, I have had a stranger ask me to borrow my mobile. I was so stunned the first time, that the first person decided against using it (Perhaps because my mouth was open in disbelief). Last night, while I was waiting for a bus ...I am sitting cross-legged on a bench reading a book...while not so patiently waiting for this bus...when a complete stranger walks up to me and puts his hand out towards me. I am not sure at this point what he wants... so I raise my head up to look at him and he says "Can I borrow your phone?" I thought I may have mistaken in what I heard him and he repeats the question. I had the mobile in my hand so I could check the time (as I forgot my watch yesterday). I proceed to hand my phone over to him (all the while telling myself that I am foolish for doing this), and he apologies for asking me to borrow it. He talks on the phone for about two minutes, and then hands me back my phone. Then he says "thank you". I know that I had the *stunned* look on my face. The one thing that I have learned over the years is that no matter how hard I try to cover them, the emotions that I am feeling show on my face (so much for ever playing poker). But that is a subject for another day...Back to the borrowing of the mobile.....I can understand if there is an accident or some sort of emergency where the person must absolutely use a phone or needs to reach someone. I have never been in that situation before but would hand my phone over in an instant. However, for a complete stranger to have the nerve (for a lack of a better word right now) to ask someone for their phone (to borrow)...instead of using a payphone just floors me. I would never walk up to a stranger and ask to borrow their phone (or any other item for that matter). Yet, others seem to think nothing of asking for a cigarette, lighter, matches (and I do not smoke), change, money, comb, lipstick, perfume...and I should no longer be shocked by this...but I still am. I have had strangers ask me for money so that they can buy a lottery ticket. I have had strangers insist on borrowing a lighter, and when I respond that I do not have one...they still persist. I then reply that I am a non-smoker. Occasionally, there are times when I feel that I should wear a button stating that I do not smoke...and only because some of these people are insist that I would have a cigarette or lighter on me. For all of those future strangers whom will insist I have a "smoke" or such...I DO NOT NOR HAVE I EVER SMOKED... I could possibly understand their persistence if they saw me smoking or using a lighter but to firmly insist on borrowing something that I do not have ...I am at a lost to comprehend...
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 1:33 PM 3 comments
I am completely dumbfounded and utterly speechless at this...Twice in the last 3 weeks, I have had a stranger ask me to borrow my mobile. I was so stunned the first time, that the first person decided against using it (Perhaps because my mouth was open in disbelief). Last night, while I was waiting for a bus ...I am sitting cross-legged on a bench reading a book...while not so patiently waiting for this bus...when a complete stranger walks up to me and puts his hand out towards me. I am not sure at this point what he wants... so I raise my head up to look at him and he says "Can I borrow your phone?" I thought I may have mistaken in what I heard him and he repeats the question. I had the mobile in my hand so I could check the time (as I forgot my watch yesterday). I proceed to hand my phone over to him (all the while telling myself that I am foolish for doing this), and he apologies for asking me to borrow it. He talks on the phone for about two minutes, and then hands me back my phone. Then he says "thank you". I know that I had the *stunned* look on my face. The one thing that I have learned over the years is that no matter how hard I try to cover them, the emotions that I am feeling show on my face (so much for ever playing poker). But that is a subject for another day...Back to the borrowing of the mobile.....I can understand if there is an accident or some sort of emergency where the person must absolutely use a phone or needs to reach someone. I have never been in that situation before but would hand my phone over in an instant. However, for a complete stranger to have the nerve (for a lack of a better word right now) to ask someone for their phone (to borrow)...instead of using a payphone just floors me. I would never walk up to a stranger and ask to borrow their phone (or any other item for that matter). Yet, others seem to think nothing of asking for a cigarette, lighter, matches (and I do not smoke), change, money, comb, lipstick, perfume...and I should no longer be shocked by this...but I still am. I have had strangers ask me for money so that they can buy a lottery ticket. I have had strangers insist on borrowing a lighter, and when I respond that I do not have one...they still persist. I then reply that I am a non-smoker. Occasionally, there are times when I feel that I should wear a button stating that I do not smoke...and only because some of these people are insist that I would have a cigarette or lighter on me. For all of those future strangers whom will insist I have a "smoke" or such...I DO NOT NOR HAVE I EVER SMOKED... I could possibly understand their persistence if they saw me smoking or using a lighter but to firmly insist on borrowing something that I do not have ...I am at a lost to comprehend...
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 1:33 PM 3 comments
Tired Yet Again
Well I broke my run of a post everyday for approximately a week...but I worked seven days straight this week and it really drains my soul...So I shall post something tomorrow to make up for the two day neglect..
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Originally Posted on Monday, October 10, 2005
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Originally Posted on Monday, October 10, 2005
World Of Science Disappoints Me Yet Again...
Once again, I have not yet learned to accept the fact that the world of science fails me...Many times...Or rather the arrogance of Science...
It has been recently announced that the Scientists from AFIP, CDC, and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in the United States, have re-created the "Spanish Flu" that killed 40 million people (1918-1919). No other disease in the History of Mankind killed more people in such a short span of time. They have recreated the Virus from scratch - however, a few years ago - Scientists discovered parts of this virus in frozen human remains (Arctic Tundra) and in tissue that was stored in government warehouses. Which allowed for comparisons of the man made virus to the one that was created in a lab. Was the recreation of this virus necessary in this day and age of the very real possibility that the Avian Flu will be the next "Great Flu Epidemic" or was it the arrogance of wanting to go into history books (as the first time an infectious agent behind a historic pandemic has ever been reconstructed).
I understand how important genome sequencing is, and what valuable information can be obtained from recreating this deadly virus. However, I worry what will happen to the ten vials that hold ten million particles of this virus. I also paid close attention to the wording of a CDC employee stating that the "public is at a minimal risk". The CDC is the same body that decided to keep the Smallpox Virus alive instead of destroying it. To be fair - Smallpox Virus is also stored at a lab in Siberia. However, we do know that there are now illegal stocks in various countries in the world...will the same thing happen with this newly re-created virus?
Will we one day read in the Headlines that some of the vials are missing?
Will we learn that the beginnings of this Flu has once again reared its ugly head?
Or will we learn that by recreating this flu virus has saved millions of lives?
Originally Posted on Friday, October 7, 2005
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 10:36 PM 3 comments
It has been recently announced that the Scientists from AFIP, CDC, and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in the United States, have re-created the "Spanish Flu" that killed 40 million people (1918-1919). No other disease in the History of Mankind killed more people in such a short span of time. They have recreated the Virus from scratch - however, a few years ago - Scientists discovered parts of this virus in frozen human remains (Arctic Tundra) and in tissue that was stored in government warehouses. Which allowed for comparisons of the man made virus to the one that was created in a lab. Was the recreation of this virus necessary in this day and age of the very real possibility that the Avian Flu will be the next "Great Flu Epidemic" or was it the arrogance of wanting to go into history books (as the first time an infectious agent behind a historic pandemic has ever been reconstructed).
I understand how important genome sequencing is, and what valuable information can be obtained from recreating this deadly virus. However, I worry what will happen to the ten vials that hold ten million particles of this virus. I also paid close attention to the wording of a CDC employee stating that the "public is at a minimal risk". The CDC is the same body that decided to keep the Smallpox Virus alive instead of destroying it. To be fair - Smallpox Virus is also stored at a lab in Siberia. However, we do know that there are now illegal stocks in various countries in the world...will the same thing happen with this newly re-created virus?
Will we one day read in the Headlines that some of the vials are missing?
Will we learn that the beginnings of this Flu has once again reared its ugly head?
Or will we learn that by recreating this flu virus has saved millions of lives?
Originally Posted on Friday, October 7, 2005
posted by Mantaray Ocean at 10:36 PM 3 comments
Good Night
Tonight is going to be short and sweet...I am too tired to write but did not want to break my track record of one post per day.Good Night And May The Bed Bugs Never Bite! (scary thing is that they are running rampant in Toronto right now...Who knew they still existed)
Originally posted on Thursday, October 6, 2005
Originally posted on Thursday, October 6, 2005
Welcome Back Hockey
It is good to see Canada's favourite pastime back in session. Canadians love their Hockey...and to prove this we have put our beloved game on the back of our Five Dollar Bills. I mean can you truly think of another country who would even dream of putting hockey on their National Tender. *I did not think so*The shame of it all is that greed has ruined this game in a small part. To play a sport professionally for money seems to take some of the enjoyment out if it. In some way, I believe that the innocence of the game has been lost from greed of the owners and management. Somehow, when I picture these men as children playing for hours on end....I do not think that they are seeing dollar signs in their head...but just enjoying the moment for what it is. What goes through their heads now? Are they worried about being traded if their performance is not on par with what has been laid out before them? Are the Team Owners worried about television deals and trying to see how they can ensure good ratings? Are the coaches worried about if the team loses a few games that they will be terminated? Unfortunately, hockey has gone from being a National Pastime to one in which the ultimate goal is to make money,
Originally Posted on Thursday, October 6, 2005
Originally Posted on Thursday, October 6, 2005
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