Saturday, October 22, 2005

Welcome Back Hockey

It is good to see Canada's favourite pastime back in session. Canadians love their Hockey...and to prove this we have put our beloved game on the back of our Five Dollar Bills. I mean can you truly think of another country who would even dream of putting hockey on their National Tender. *I did not think so*The shame of it all is that greed has ruined this game in a small part. To play a sport professionally for money seems to take some of the enjoyment out if it. In some way, I believe that the innocence of the game has been lost from greed of the owners and management. Somehow, when I picture these men as children playing for hours on end....I do not think that they are seeing dollar signs in their head...but just enjoying the moment for what it is. What goes through their heads now? Are they worried about being traded if their performance is not on par with what has been laid out before them? Are the Team Owners worried about television deals and trying to see how they can ensure good ratings? Are the coaches worried about if the team loses a few games that they will be terminated? Unfortunately, hockey has gone from being a National Pastime to one in which the ultimate goal is to make money,

Originally Posted on Thursday, October 6, 2005

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