I was Googling tonight, and discovered a Top Ten List of Safety Tips when one encounters a Manta Ray. I had to list them on my blog for my pure interests; as I truly love these "Gentle Giants".
10 Rules for Manta Ray Encounters
Here are a few simple rules to increase your enjoyment and protect mantas from injury:
(1) Enter the water carefully so as not to scare them away.
(2) Stay still and they will come to you.
(3) Position yourself along the bottom or near a cleaning station.
(4) Do not chase them. Stay within their vision and let them decide if they want to approach you.
(5) Do not touch them, even if they may present their bellies for a rub. Simply touching a manta may remove some of the mucus coating that protects the animal from marine infections.
(6) Avoid exhaling bubbles into their face. However, some manta may actually enjoy the bubbles on their undersides.
(7) Mantas are generally not bothered by flash photography or video. But first observe their behaviour.
(8) Do not disturb them if they are engaged in feeding, cleaning or mating.
(9) Attempt direct eye contact. They generally welcome a friendly connection.
(10) Never ride mantas, even though they may 'present' themselves for riding.
Tips courtesy of
How closely do these rules apply to you? Who doesn't like belly rubs? And i won't touch #10. :)
*Shhh*...it is a secret...
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