Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chris Reid's Comments - Right Direction but Wrong Soapbox

I was just reading about some of the posts by Chris Reid whom just stepped down as the Tory Candidate running in "Toronto Centre". I must say that I do happen to agree with him on only one point, and that point only. He was right to criticize those on that Bus who stood by and allowed Tim McLean to die, without interceding. The most ever wise and fictional character that ever lived in my mind and heart, is Atticus Finch. In Harper Lee's book, she writes the words that come from Atticus and states that it is not right to judge someone until we have walked in their shoes. While I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment - I must make an exception to this incident. This is also where it comes into play of why Chris Reid is in error when he states that "This is where socialism [has] gotten us folks, a castrated effeminate population.". He is wrong. For it is all forms of Government including the ruling Conservation Party (Canada) the world over - it is all those who witness acts such as this and who decide that they will not take action for reasons that are solely for self-preservation. It is all those who turn a blind eye to injustice before them, and refuse to raise a hand against their fellow man.

I will never understand how those passengers who far outnumbered the alleged suspect, could stand by and allow that man to take Tim's life.

I will never understand how the Governments the world over turn a blind eye to Genocide that is taking place in the World as I am writing this.

I will never understand why the American People allowed George Bush to twice steal the election using illegal methods, and did nothing.

I will never understand what George Bush has on the American Media that has them literally running scared from reporting the hard facts about him. Any other President in history would have been put through the wringer or perhaps impeached. Bush does not even get questioned. How is it that Bush has taken more Holiday time that any other President in history, and yet is that reported in the News?
How is it in the time of War, Bush is always laughing and reporting how great things are in the darkness of days when over 4000 American Soliders have died as a result of his falsifed information regarding Iraq?

There is so much more but I will stop now for until Bush is out of office, I doubt that anything will change.

However, my hope for mankind is that one day soon - they will realise that it does only take 1 person to make a difference.

That Stephen Harper reaps what he sows with all of his lies, and hidden agendas.

And that President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney have to answer for what actions they have taken, and for the deaths of the innocent that they have caused. And for making millions off the War in Iraq.

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