Why oh why does the general public insist on using public transit as if they were in the privacy of their own homes?
In the last few months of my travels, on what can only be described as sardines in a jar during rush hour, I have seen many things that I hope to never experience again.
I have seen…
A woman who was not only putting on her full-make up on the subway, but also tweezing her eyebrows and discarding the unwanted hairs on the poor souls beside her
Several drunk men usually on a Friday evening, who I have no idea of how these guys even remember their own name less alone where they live, and lucky me always gets blessed to have them sit down beside me (and people wonder why my face is almost always stuck in a book on the subway)…I tell you that “weirdo attraction beacon" on my head is real because I always attract them without fail…
A woman who had bent her head over and was brushing her hair quite vigorously as if she almost wanted to share her dead hair with those around her
More people arguing on a mobile phone (between those unfortunate few stops where they can get a signal) than I can shake a stick at (no, I do not want to hear your point of view, and more importantly I do not want to hear theirs…the person who invented mobile speaker phones should be thrown into a room and forced to listen to people on speaker phones for the rest of their natural lives)
A few people who will ask one person for directions on a car, and then that same person will ignore those directions, and then start asking more people for the same information on the same car…..if you are going to ignore the directions of the first person, and then the second person – you automatically give up the right to ask anyone further on the same car…where they can all hear you ignore those directions and ask for the same answer from someone else
Too many people to count whom will not let the people get off the car first before attempting to push their way on…and then complain about how they almost missed the train….to all of these people I say that they are banned from the transit period…I was going to force them to endure someone always pushing them but that is too lenient
Also, what is up with the people that charge the doors, and then complain when their packages and such get stuck in the door ways….people you are the number one reason why trains get delayed and as such…you should be forced to endure nothing but delays on your travel to and from work everyday….
A teenager whom thought he was tough and a gentleman whom just had to keep pushing his buttons….This is definitely one time that I was considering pushing that little yellow strip on the subway…the more the guy pushed the teenager’s buttons…the more violent his outbursts became… isn’t it funny how one never sees the transit police when you need them…in fact, has anyone every seem them stop a situation before it became out of hand, I for one have not. I always see them after the fact…Hmmm…a very interesting fact that I may further explore at a later day…
I truly compare daily transit travel with the unknown wilds of rural wilderness…you just never know what to expect and you must always be prepared…